Thursday, January 17, 2013

US Debt Limit - How to Cut 2 - 5 Trillion Dollars

Ok, so i am a little US centric since i do not spend any time out of it (unless you consider Cascadia not a part of the US - i wish).

So, what is the easy way for the US to just erase 2 to 5 trillion dollars of debt?  Basically it just has to admit that one thing in particular is a scam.  This comes to mind because the next government showdown will be over raising the debt limit. 

What i am referring to here is the social security trust fund.  Social security is/pretty much has always been a pay as you go program.  Unfortunately as part of the 1982 revision to "save" social security, the program was allowed to run surpluses.  The debt concerns came in as part of the system where they have to "reinvest" the excess funds.  A government does not really have a way to save or invest, so they basically loan money to themselves (there will probably be another post on how stupid that actually is).  Throughout the years, these "loans" have really added up.

If the US had the guts to admit that the social security trust fund is essentially a scam they could invalidate all of the "IOUs" to themselves and in the process whittle at least 2 trillion dollars off of the national debt (without having to raise the debt limit for a while).  Of course, it is highly doubtful the government would ever admit the truth of this matter.  After all, social security is one of the most successful vote buying schemes that has ever been instituted by the federal government. 

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