Thursday, January 17, 2013

Reproductive Rights

Ok, so i may touch on subjects i previously covered (even i don't remember all i write)...  Now, i'll go into somewhat conservative mode (actually a little harder line than most conservatives).  i was watching a thoroughly mediocre move, Switch, recently which got me thinking about some of these issues again. 

No, the government should not be in your bedroom.  You should be able to do what you want (within legal constraints in the comfort of your home).  In the past government has stepped in to define things like marriage from a reproductive standpoint.  i consider some of tenets of "reproductive rights" to be a form of equine fertilizer.  Different cultures have different practices, which should be respected as viable options in those territories (regardless of the "western" filtered view of what is acceptable).  It is not the wealthier countries place to impose standards on other countries/cultures. 

Like everything else in life (and i'm reticent to call everything a "right" as it is probably one of the most overused/misused terms, at least recently), there are practical limits.  A good or service should never be considered a right.  The state can define certain things relating to the human reproductive condition.  For example a country with a high population (like China) has the right to impose limits on births.  In certain ways, that may be forcing some semblance of responsibility on an out of control population.  A country cannot support a growing population forever with limited resources. 

No, i am not a fan of abortion - once you get on the train you should stay on until it comes to your stop.  Pregnancy is a natural consequence of the reproductive act (or at least there is always a chance - the chance can be lessened though).  In other words, i find abortions to be a fundamental dereliction of duty and a profound lack of ethics. 

This is playing up the theory that man is above nature.  i disagree. 

The topic of the movie Switch was artificial insemination (surprise, i'm not a fan).  Basically infertility is sort of a weak built in population control - i am not a fan of humanity trying to circumvent biology through the use of technology.  Artificial insemination must have been one of the keystones of feminism - being so empowered that a woman could have a child without a man (but still needing male genetic material).  This is really messed up thinking.  Basically if a woman wants to get pregnant, the only option should be the natural one, the time tested method.  Although i don't necessarily like the concept of single mothers, sometimes that will be the way it has to be.  i don't like the human over nature message that things like artificial insemination entail. 

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