Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Conservative Manifesto (MCM): Part 12: Immigration and Population

Immigration and Population:

Here is where i ditch the slightly decent persona.  Let's make a couple of things immediately clear:
1) i view population increase as a net negative that does more harm than good
2) i am ok with open borders for economic activity, but definitely not for immigration.

Immigration: The Melting Pot Fallacy

The US seems to be mired in a Utopian fantasy that diversity and open borders are a net benefit.  In the past the melting pot policy served the US as it needed more workers.  However, in those days it was largely assimilation rather than what you see now.  If you look at the happiest/most successful countries in the world (except for the US) you will find that diversity is actually a curse that usually leads to self-segregation and a lack of unity (splintering of a country).  It is not the responsibility of the US or its people to deal with people who are less well off (i don't even believe in asylum, ever).

At some point the US probably should have cut off immigration as the country is overpopulated as it is (i will probably touch on this later).  Sure there was a melting pot, but eventually that pot fills up.  In other words, maybe it worked somewhat in the past - but a melting pot is a timed philosophy, it cannot go on forever.  The US erred in keeping it going too long at a direct expense to the existing US population.  It sucks that some of the people live in squalor, but that is just the way it is.  It has to happen.  However, a rich country like the US does not make out well when the dregs of other societies come to the US for a better scenario.  It is better for them, but worse for the people who live here.

Now, it is easy to pick on the Hispanics - so, i will.  It is obvious that the illegal immigrants do not respect the laws of the US.  Their being here in the first place signifies that.  There is no way an illegal alien should ever be granted citizenship.  The most troubling aspect is that the US looks the other way to control votes of the legal.  This is going to result in a cultural shift (especially with the Hispanics' high birth rate and questionable morality - generalizing here).  The Hispanic migration is the result of an overpopulated and corrupt Mexico with limited opportunity (a failure of their government).  This could also be seen as a slow drip invasion of the US.  Good for them, bad for us.  Personally, my solution to illegal immigrants would be Vlad Tepes strict. 

Mexican illegals, it is a direct insult to the American people to fly your Mexican flags.  If you really want to be in the US, how about something that has been expected from every single previous group - assimilate to the American culture.  One more thing, learn English, it is not my nor the government's responsibility to cow tow to your demands - or provide anything written in Spanish.  There is no way that the citizenship test should ever be available in any language except English. 


So, why is immigration so bad - though some times it may be needed to fill specific roles not widely available in a country's general population.  Well, because population above certain levels is dangerous and not good for the population.  The US passed that line a while ago (maybe 250 million maximum).  The US was sufficiently large as it is without dealing with people from other countries. 

Coming soon - the US as a third world country.  Do you realize that the US has the third largest population of any country in the world?  i have long held the belief that increased population is a net loss for the pre-existing population.  i also hold that population is inflationary.  Increases in population (even in just people moving from state to state) has disadvantaged existing populations in numerous ways - the cost of housing increases, bigger strain on public utilities/pollution, more congestion, a lower quality of life, a bigger strain on government services and less opportunity.  Have there been any good studies about the marginal external cost of population?   

i am not talking about Chinese style children limits, but the increasing population is a real threat to the American way of life - it may have already put the "American Dream" out of reach for most people.  With the US, you had a fairly stable population (though certain minorities is growing).  Unfortunately, some governments base wages/salaries off of money managed (more people more money for them).  Also, basically all pensions are based off of the concept of expanding population (pyramid scheme like). 

There is a point where enough is enough.  i am sure there is more to say about this topic, but the words currently elude me.    

Original Post Date: 04/08/11

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