Thursday, January 17, 2013

And So It Begins... Some Light Background

i have noticed that online places like message boards are more dogmatic parroting sessions as opposed to actual discussions.  It is obvious to me that some people really don't know why they, apparently, have the political views they do. 

i took that information and decided to try and write down why i held the political views that i do.  This led to me writing "My Conservative Manifesto".  i think there is probably enough material for over 100 posts here based off me rewriting specific items (i wonder if multi-page posts work).  This should give me a lot of posts at the start as i break it down into (hopefully) more managable chunks.  i've been thinking about rewriting it for a while (maybe adding topics).  Maybe these future posts (when i actually get around to doing them) will actuall be readable too.

i wouldn't say that i am necessarily a typical conservative (mostly fiscal conservative).  So, do not take my personal views as representing conservatives in general.  This is just a little insight into my twisted and warped mind.  So here is the link to my manifesto (it is in the office format .XPS, which is like PDF).  Try to read at your own risk, if you dare
Original Post Date: 11/18/10 

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