Saturday, April 9, 2011

Most Triumphant: Bill and Ted 3?

According to an interview that Keanu Reeves had with MTV, Bill S. Preston, Esquire and Ted Theodore Logan might be coming back to save the world.

Some people may have wondered why world peace, communication with other animals and the like have not occurred yet.  Come on, mini golf score are still way too high and bowling scores still too low and the dirt isn't even clean yet.  It turns out that it may be because the Wyld Stallyns have yet to release their hit.  After all, the Wyld Stallyns music is the cornerstone of a Utopian world - so important that time travel had to be involved. 

The first movie is considered a late 80s classic (by me at least).  The second movie, which i'm not sure the events actually happened, is a guilty pleasure from the early 90s.  A third movie could be interesting - especially considering the backdrop, an absolutely horrific new millennium. 

Save us Bill and Ted!!

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