Monday, April 25, 2011

Decent Albums of the 90s: The Preface

So i looked deep within myself to figure out what to post here next.  What i came up was to use the Hollywood version of originality - just release a sequel or remake.  So, i am doing a decent albums of the 90s series of posts.  i am including 2000 as the last year of the 90s. 

The 90s should have been a more memorable decade for me.  Parts of it were ok and part of it really sucked.  So, what did i listen to in the 90s?  Mostly pop/rock (surprising, huh?) though there was a brief period in the mid 90s where i listened to a little more R&B (i like vocal harmonies - probably why i liked several of the late 90s boybands).  i do not like rap, grunge (even though i'm from the Seattle metro area) or heavy metal.  So, now you have been warned about potential content.

Some of the posts will be artists who i had listed in the 80s (Richard Marx, Bon Jovi, Bryan Adams).  i think there will be less obscure albums this time around.  i still have most of these albums in CD form (some i will include i only had on tape, but i no longer have a tape player).

i went crazy with CD purchases in the 90s - i think my first two were Rush Street by Richard Marx and C.M.B by Color Me Badd.  Spoiler Alert: both of those CDs are in the series.  My first CD player was an Emerson portable player, which i haven't had for a while (i think i got it in the early/mid 90s).  At its peak, my CD collection was over 400 albums.  Ironically, i think i bought more 80s albums (and compilations) in the 90s than 90s albums.  This was also the first time i ever bought any media used (mostly obscure 80s stuff).  i briefly had a Columbia House membership in the 90s too.

The 90s were kind of a hard decade for me.  i started writing some things in the late 90s that tried to cope with strange emotions like "wuv".  Actually, there is no more confusing emotion than love (and the minefield that is dating).  These basically are really, really (i can underscore how bad) bad "lyrics" that i wrote without any sense of music (well maybe some of the 2000 stuff).  However they never turned out exactly how i wanted.  i hope that i'll never actually have to post them here - but i do have a bunch of them.  Consider this a possible, but unlikely warning of badness.  So... i am not only a bad singer, but a bad writer too.

Ok, so if karaoke games are anything to go by - i'm an above average singer.  That didn't make as good of a sentence.  

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