Thursday, December 28, 2023

Solstice Wish List 2024

2024 will potentially be a really bad year (if there even is a 2024, for me). Well, unless i DO win a lottery jackpot. 

i decided to do this real early and just add stuff as it gets released. i don't know what will release in 2024. These are possibilities not absolutes (and many aren't realistic possibilities). The dollar numbers are purchase "trigger" prices (not to say i would buy all of these at those prices).

Bing/MSFT rewards nerfs (not worth using anymore) will likely result in $200+ less to spend than in previous years. Also, AMZN increase in free shipping amount from $25 to $35 will likely result in less orders.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Xmas 2023: My Xmas Inside Xmas Decorations

Well, another Xmas has come and gone. Yes, to me it is Xmas. You'll see some signs of Rankin/Bass. i don't like editing/cropping.

Merry Xmas 2023 from Payless, Merry Xmas

Dang you ad execs of the 80s or 90s. A simple holiday slogan, hard to forget. It's been out of business since 1996.

Anyway, happy Xmas *

* Happiness not guaranteed. Void in countries/cities that have at least one vowel in their name. Happiness may not actually exist. Happiness might be known by the state of California to cause cancer.

Xmas: for me was usually a two month build up, to essentially be over in less than 30 minutes.

i guess technically it isn't over yet, because as you know: even a statistical improbability needs a hand.

In my 20s, i would love to have unwrapped my present and spent the rest of the day putting logs in the fire. In my 30s, i wish i would have had kids to live semi-vicariously through, seeing the wonder and possibility through their eyes. Denied on both counts.

Only 365-ish days until next Xmas (next year has a leap day), assuming it happens.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

2024: Movies to Get From the Library

Yes, libraries carry movies DVD/Blu-Ray (my library not the latter). So, knowing almost nothing about the movies coming out, what am i looking to reserve from the library (assuming they get it). There used to be about a 6-month delay from theater to home release.

That is assuming there is a 2024 and i make it out alive (or whatever semblance of it i can)

Some of these potential 2024 movies might slip, be cancelled, or streaming only. Some more might be added to the release list (used IMDB release date list). i only have Hulu right now ($.99 a month until November) and do not plan on getting any other streaming services. i don't know much about any of these movies.

Movies to possibly watch (no, i'm not going to do so in the theater, parenthesis are suspected theatrical release month):

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Happy Solstice

 Happy Solstice to those who celebrate. Also, happy Saturnalia.

The way i celebrate is is a little more self-indulgent. My version of Solstice is basically, Xmas for myself (well without Santa, Rudolph, elves, ets). It started several years ago, i bought DVDs/Blu-Rays and video games at Black Friday. i decided that i would wrap these "presents" and open them on Solstice. i guess i expected Xmas to be lame those years or something.

Since then, due to stimulus checks and the like, this has expanded to 1 or 2 puzzles, vintage-ish toys (like Masters of the Universe Origins), LEGO/MEGA, and an ounce of silver (rarely).  Also, the time frame has been extended, some of the Solstice present i will open this year were bought December 2022 (day after Xmas is the start of a new Solstice period).

Barring a lottery win or an unexpected windfall, it will be significantly scaled back in the future (not like there are many modern movies worth watching). My TV on DVD/Blu-Ray collection prospects are limited (unless i replace DVDs with Blu-Rays).

Sunday, December 3, 2023

80s Compilations: Living In Oblivion Volume 5

i love the 80s, but sometimes all of the songs i remember (and some good ones i don't) are hard to find. Enter the compilation album. Unlike many references i have seen online, i'm one of the few people who actually bought them new for over $9. i think i found these mostly at Camelot Music in the mall (mid 1990s). 

The last release in the Living in Oblivion series from EMI Records. There was a rumored Volume 6 that never was released. This series is a little tilted toward UK groups.

80s Compilations: Living in Oblivion Volume 4

The 80s were a decade of unparalleled awesomeness. i couldn't buy all the songs i listened to on the radio. So, compilations became interesting to me. One of the 80s compilations that i still have the series is Living In Oblivion. Like many compilations it is hit or miss. 

My Xmas List 2023: CC Elves in the Mail Room (even the Canadian ones)

 Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas, i would like (i assure you this isn't completely a copy/paste from last year): 

  • $50 Million after taxes (willing to buy Mega Millions and Powerball ticket, if you could give me merrier outcomes).
  • My own home (doesn't even need to be on 34th street). Would purchase a house on my own if given the first gift on my list. Not sure what/who "home" really is or how to obtain it (assume it is more than a physical structure).
  • Woman/women: to love (and unconditionally love me). Non-feminist, non-combative, non-crazy.
  • Retro toys: if 1980s and early 1990s could be considered retro.
  • Health, happiness and the intangibles: though i'm not sure they all really exist.
i have not been totally evil this year. Thank you for your time, Santa Claus. i believe in you. 


Random Musings: Grinch, Barbie movie, etc.

 So, what kinds of odd things have been going through my warped mind lately?

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Is This The Worst Black Friday in Years?

To me, it seems so. It used to be something i looked forward to: seeing the sales from the big three (Walmart, Target and Best Buy) - with Amazon price matching some deals. Then setting up plans on what to get (and where). Now, it's more like why bother.

Some of this is sales spread out from October to beyond Black Friday (making the Black Friday sales meaningless or redundant). It could be that this year/decade/century/millennium absolutely suck. Most of it is sales of uninteresting items. Maybe some of that can be blamed on persistent inflation. Some of it is the bias towards internet sales.

Sales prices are not that good. They don't have many Blu-Rays/DVD (one of my big Black Friday purchases). The ones they have aren't hitting the sub $10 price point much. Seems the "best sale" is buy 2 get 1 free type. Video games aren't really worth buying anymore. i was hoping for decent sales on Game Pass - denied. Wouldn't have minded some good deals on LEGOs or MEGA Bloks 14+ sets.

It's amazing how many items on my Amazon wish list have increased in price (even many of the items "on sale") in the last few days.

Though to be fair, Black Friday doesn't hold the place that looking through the Montgomery Ward catalog did when i was growing up. Back in simpler times before scalpers for "hot" items. 

Monday, November 13, 2023

80s Compilations: Living In Oblivion Volume 3

Part three of my mini-series on this overlooked 1980s compilation (probably). i got these in the 1990s when i was shopping at places like Sam Goody or Camelot Music. i was attempting to find some of the 80s songs i liked, but barely remembered. So, i started to get compilations.

After i got these compilations, i would look for some albums from stores or Warehouse (used CDs). 

Sunday, November 12, 2023

80s Compilations: Living in Oblivion Volume 2

i miss the 80s. However, i couldn't purchase all of the songs i wanted (some are not easy to find, or only have one/a couple of decent songs. That is where the compilation comes in. For 80s songs, the only compilation series i have all of the volumes is Living In Oblivion (EMI Records). The 80s were hardly an oblivion (especially compared to the cultural wasteland that is today).

Saturday, November 11, 2023

80s Compilation: Living in Oblivion Volume 1

 i've been listening to my CD collection over the last couple of months. Sadly, there are some skips (small playback issues) - some of these are over 30 years old. i used to have many more CDs, but sold of a bunch of them over the years.

If you're wondering, i consider the 1980s to be 1981-1990. i love the 80s. The 90s were hit and miss, this millennium sucks.

i consider compilation collections like Just Can't Get Enough: New Wave Hits of the 80s (have less than half of the 15-release series) as companions to individual artists like George Michael/Wham!, Richard Marx, Michael Jackson, Madonna, etc. Compilations are how i added breadth to my collection. Songs i may remember from artists i did not. i bought a few Greatest Hits due to specific songs in this series. Living in Oblivion may be the only series i have all of (with the exception of the rumored volume 6). 

There are brief liner notes with US and UK peak chart positions.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Happy Belated Halloween

Another holiday has come and gone. One of my favorites - Halloween. The one where people are more likely to show more of their true selves while hiding behind a costume. 

It was also my alleged father's birthday (though it might not have been by an hour or less). This is the first time a while that we didn't order out for pizza (instead making our own). 

 i long for simpler days when i was allowed to Trick or Treat (the closest i can get is playing Costume Quest). Buying your own candy is limiting and expensive. Sorry trick or treater who came here - the candy kind of sucked (were mostly using Easter candy - but mostly jellybeans left). 

If you are wondering, yes, most of my interior Xmas decorations are up. Still trying to figure out how to logistically put an Xmas tree in the room. Might require moving a bunch of stuff (i may not be up to doing that).

i have never considered Thanksgiving to be a real holiday.

23 days until Black Friday, 54 days until Xmas. So far i have only watched Grinch once.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Sunday, October 15, 2023

My Life Simulation 2.0 Suggestions

Some people claim that life is a simulation. Assuming that life is a simulation or there is an alternate universe somewhere, i would like to make some creative suggestions in Simulation 2.0.

Also, assuming that i could not change my date of birth, place of birth, and parents/siblings. What suggestions would i get behind? There is some branching here, but not economically.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Happy Friday the 13th Part 2

Well, it is that most awesome of days again (unless you work at Camp Crystal Lake), Friday the 13th.

The last one in January had a $1.3 Billion Mega Millions jackpot. This one, Powerball winner 2 days before (fricking California).

i'd like to think this could be a lucky day. However, luck is not applicable to me, apparently.

Friday, October 6, 2023

$1B Jackpot, yet again

Well, it is another $1+ Billion jackpot. Or, as i see it $240 million jackpot (40% of $600 million, that might understate total taxes). Though it would be less with multiple winners - Let's say $80M.

Taking the cash sum is probably the best move, if you are over 30 years old, and not completely hopeless with money. If you are hopeless with money, pay some company to manage it for you. a lot could go wrong in 30 years (regarding them actually paying it and the value of the payments in the future). 

Limit yourself to spending less than 10% in the first year (fun money - not investment). That is gonna be a lot of money to park in your account(s) - and they won't make it easy. You may not have full access for up to a year. It will be a hassle (but a good problem to have).

This is getting too common (well not if i win). i know it's probably in their interest to keep things the way they are, but i would like to see Powerball go back to 2 drawings a week. i wish Mega Millions would get back to $1 plays with better odds.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Twitter: Limited Visibility

So, recently a post i made on Twitter got hit with loss of visibility due to "hate speech". What a ridiculous concept. i mentioned Operation Wetback and that getting rid of illegal aliens would be a good thing. i meant deportation, not necessarily "disappearing" them".  i think they restored it.

Did i make an actual threat (to do so: it much be specific, targeted, and actionable)? Nope, as i stated in my reply, illegal aliens consist of numerous nationalities and cultural backgrounds. Wetback" in that context is not a targeted response to the Hispanic community, just a reference to an Eisenhower era immigration program. Seriously, the first time i heard the term was in an episode of Green Acres (and i had to look it up). 

Do i like illegal "immigration" (really invasion)? Definitely not. Is it immoral to support/encourage it? Without question.

Should a company like X (Twitter) condone at best, encourage unlawful/illegal behavior at worst? Definitely not.  Trying to normalize/rationalize it is terrible. Countries have borders for a reason. You cannot maintain sovereignty with unlimited migration (not immigration outside of the legal pathways). The migrant's better life is likely a worse life for those already here.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Housing Prices and Taxes

Recently, i've been seeing the woe is me Millennials complaining that their future was stolen, and other generations had it so much easier. True, the US has declined, and opportunities are more limited than they used to be (wait for what is coming, yes it does get worse).

They will say stuff like: the same house you bought for $100K now costs $400K. On the surface, that is true - but that is the wrong way to look at it.

A person bought a house (let's say in 1987) with a 5% 25-year mortgage (the mortgage rate in 1987 was more like 9+%). Straight inflation alone of December 1987 price would put it at $264,896.88 (yes, the US dollar lost more than 63% of its purchasing power since 1987). Once you figure out that they spent 169+K on the mortgage, the prices look a little different. Then you take into account property tax, selling fees, and the gain is less. It is not reselling a $100K house, it is selling a $200+K house (w/at least $264K value). But why is it selling for $400K? See below for some potential reasons.

So why has real estate "gone up in price"? 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Just Saying 6 - or something


Welcome the newest addition to my Just Saying family - Himeji Castle. This was a b-day present for myself. Apparently, this is a castle in Japan (also known as Castle of the White Heron), i never heard of it before the LEGO Architecture set was leaked. The structure itself is kind of a cool complex on about 400 acres. Apparently, this is just one section (the keep).

Overall, a decent, if a little bit expensive, set. There are 2125 pieces (including extras, and 150+ are just for the trees). It is about the size of the Giza Pyramid, but feels like a more solid base. Note: there is only the option of 1flowering cherry tree (the pink one). This took me about 6 hours. Yes, i did make a few mistakes, that i didn't correct - and i might be missing 1 piece (a purple 1x1 tile).

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Yet Another $1B+ Lottery Jackpot

 The Mega Millions jackpot climbed to an absurd $1.25 billion. Yet another post about how when i win "i'm going to try and take over the world" (not really, most of the world would be useless to me). Is it time to crank that Calloway song again ("I Wanna Be Rich")?

A $1.25 billion early birthday present would be nice. Who is anybody kidding, i (and most people) would take the $625 million cash option. i assume nobody will win until Tuesday but might as well buy the dream for a couple of days.

i still wish the price of a ticket and odds would be halved.

Why am i buying a lottery ticket when there is a very real chance of a coming financial crisis?  i'm kind of betting against my expectations. But, winning would be cool. i'm sure if i did actually win it would be like my spirit cartoon character Wile E. Coyote catching the Road Runner. Congratulations, you won the lottery - now what (winning could create different kinds of problems). Either that or it would turn out Alanis Morisette "Ironic". 

Thursday, July 20, 2023

102 Days Until Halloween

Assuming the world exists (or at least my "world"), Halloween will be coming in 102 more days. Still way too far away.

i like Fall. i like Winter. Summer is an abomination that i cannot stand. There is no benefit to the miserable season known as summer. Once you get out of school, summer has no positives. It is too hot, too sunny. too bright (i hate natural sunlight), and too miserable.

Bring back good weather - cool, overcast and drizzly/rainy. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Well, it's a $1 Billion jackpot... again.

It is that time again when the multi-state lottery jackpot goes up to $1 Billion again (last time around January 13th, 2023, a Mega Millions ticket on Friday the 13th). Mega Millions isn't that far behind at $720 million.

Since i'm told a time machine is not feasible (or possible) - i'll go with the standard: house and some fun stuff. i could go for an early large monetary b-day present.

i long for the simpler days when the jackpot would have been a couple hundred million dollars. i miss the days of the $1 ticket, twice a week. Lower payouts, but better odds - i'd take that trade.

If only i could go back in time and win $20+ million at 22. Life would have had so many more possibilities. Afterall, just "love" is never enough for a modern relationship. 
Even if i did win today, would i even have enough time to spend it (not the level of "fun" i could have had when i was younger)?

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Happy Solstice, the bad one

Happy solstice out there to all who celebrate. But, it is the bad solstice (the decent one in Winter, come on December 21st).

Me, i hate summer. It is too hot, too bright, too not fall/winter. i like cool overcast days with drizzle. The only good thing was the lack of school (though school years should be extended to 220 days a year). Since that hasn't been an issue for years, i struggle to find anything redeeming about summer.

Summer has always been that miserable time of year where violent incidents seem to peak, as people's fuses get shorter. While, not likely a "summer of death" like previous summers according to evil or braindead politicians, this should not be a good one (a potentially really not good one, at least this isn't an election this year, so no need to parade out the misanthropic social causes borderline terrorists). 

Friday, June 16, 2023

Fossil Rock Rocks

Did you ever have one of those people growing up who would listen to "classic rock" or '60s rock and ridicule just a little bit for that? i did, it was a guy who gave me rides to a morning church thing when i was in high school (for the Mormons out there, seminary - i hated waking up early for that, especially since i didn't believe in god). Now i kind of envied the era he grew up in. i remember he used to wear 70s style green leisure suits at one point.

Once you start to get older than sitcom parents, you know what just don't think of it - it is far too horrible.

Today i find myself listening to the radio on an Echo Dot (because that's probably the only way i can get a signal). Yeah 1980s Weekend! Wait, is the awesome music from the 80s to early 90s now considered "fossil rock"? Am i no better than Al Bundy? No that can't be so (but it is). 

If it is that is more like Cretaceous Period rock, not Triassic Period rock he listened to. i wish like Johnny Hates Jazz said, i could "Turn back the clock, bring the wheels of time to a stop, back to the days, when life was so much better".

Monday, May 1, 2023

Come on, the Kraken was released in 2020


Not a fan of the horkety, but here goes.... What does a mythological Scandanavian creature have to do with ice hockey?  You got me there. What's next an arena that "pledges" something to the climate - like that is even possible.  

This is a 2020 Canada Creatures of the North series (2 so far) silver coin of a Kraken. Kind of a cool coin. Should have cropped this borrowed photo image. For silver coins, the Canadian mint is one of the best (better than the US), the main series (Maple Leaf) is good but boring.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Just Intimating 2: Fail Hard

The picture below is one of my greatest building block shames.  It is the rare set that i will never finish.

It is a FOCO BRXLZ Miniature Block replica of Safeco Field (after ordered it was relabeled as T-Mobile Park).  This was an Xmas present from Santa.  

Why won't i ever finish it, you probably didn't ask?  The pieces are tiny, the directions are horrible (and literally messed with my eyes), colors were hard to differentiate, and the roof doesn't fit well. This is as close as i will ever get to finishing it.  i never had any intention of putting on the stickers. This is the 2nd and last time i tried building this.

i actually used a lighted magnifying glass to see these. Compared to LEGO or Mega Construx instructions, these are horrible.  It is basically a bunch of levels built on top of each other, the first level was kind of hard, trying to count out where things should be. The completed levels (kind of greyed out on the instructions) messed with my eyes (making things kind of blur) - then there were subtle differences between some greyed out section in the directions and similar colored pieces. Not sure the roof pieces are the right color. Also, one of the scoreboards wouldn't stay together and was missing a couple of pieces.

History of the World Part II: What a Trainwreck

Before this series hit, i had a pretty good idea it was going to be bad (with some of those involved).  It exceeded my expectations (in how terrible it was). 

Unlike the movie, there was little cohesion in the episodes - usually jumping between bad serial sketches (that probably should have been one-offs). There was no Orson Wells style narration holding things together. Mel Brooks should not have tarnished his reputation with this abomination. 

So, what didn't i like about this unfunny show (Hulu - the first show i ever actually disliked there)?

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy humiliation ritual day for the forlorn and broken hearted. Or as some of you call it... Valentine's Day. 

The movie One Crazy Summer summarizes my "holiday" best: "rose are red, violets are blue. Love will have nothing to do with you".  The cute fuzzy bunny gang must be dealt with. 

This post took a short detour off a cliff, maybe start with the first paragraph after the page break the skip the italic section. i put an extra enter for the next section.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Just Saying 5-ish

 Well, not counting the spin-off Xmas post (with 2 new things, this is my 5th Just Saying post). 

Originally, this started as kind of a joke - because the FBI made a deal about someone with a LEGO Capitol Building model (decent set by the way - i had to piece it together).  The stimulus checks gave me a little money to get into this - and i thought they were going to pull another useless lockdown.

The Next two sets you haven't seen are Singapore skyline, and Sonic the Hedgehog. i had a SEGA Genesis "growing up", but i sucked at Sonic - something about the speed/blur. 

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Not Exactly the Time Machine i Was Hoping For

You know how i wished for a time machine to go back to a time life wasn't so evil / hopeless / filled with BS.  Well surprisingly, i didn't get that for Xmas.  Santa has forsaken me yet again.

Instead, i got this for Solstice (one of the most expensive presents i ever purchased myself. #1 an Xbox Series S - stimulus check sponsored).  Yes, that is a LEGO Back to the Future Delorean.  Sadly, the flux capacitor seems to be more of a sticker than functional (or at best a printed piece).  This is the first of three versions (there are not enough extra pieces to do all the variations).  i haven't tried the other two models (mostly slight variation in engine or wheels). 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Solstice Wishlist

So, i started thinking about Solstice again (my pseudo holiday where i get gifts from myself).
i figured that i could probably do about $300.  i definitely can't get everything i want (barring lottery win). But i'd like to get at least one LEGO thing, some Blu Rays, etc. Maybe i can find a CD too.

Assuming the world, or at least my world, doesn't crap out even more than it already has (and there will be a Solstice for me). Also, that i am able to get gift cards from Bing/Microsoft Rewards (maybe around $200 total)

Here is what is currently on my watchlist for Solstice 2023 along with the "trigger" amount that would cause me to purchase it more immediately (extremely unlikely for most items).

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Friday, January 13, 2023

What Will I Do When I Win the Big Lottery Jackpot

 Now time for some daydreaming about what i'd do if i were insanely wealthy.  What would i spend the money on? We'll say $200+ million net.

Happy Friday the 13th and Lottery Musings

 Happy Friday the 13th (unless you go the Camp Crystal Lake - Sorry Jason or Mrs. Voorhees).  The next one is in October - assuming that happens.  Now the obligatory comment is out of the way...

Also today, there is a semi-large Mega Millions jackpot ($1.35+ Billion). Would i love to win it?  Definitely.  However, it will be a little like when my spirit cartoon character Wile E. Coyote "catches" the Road Runner.  So, you achieved your dream, now what? 

Logistically, that amount of money is hard to work with, you can't exactly deposit your $400+ million check in the bank in the normal manner (assuming 1 winner).  The logistics are kind of mind boggling, especially for someone who is socially inept as me (and i'm one of the few hominids in the world that hates phones).  Even if i could make it through that minefield, i probably wouldn't actually be able to spend any of it until midway through Q2.  

Next disjointed point - cash option or not?  If i were chronologically over 32, i'd take the cash option.  Why? My father died at 51 and i'm pretty sure i don't have another 30 years in me.  Waiting to get completely paid for 29 or 30 years doesn't sound too appealing.  Is there a chance i could blow through the payout, yes (though highly unlikely). The future is also filled with, likely, increasing taxes and awful new laws.  From 1993 to 2023, the dollar has lost over 50% of its value - i don't foresee that rosy of an outcome in the future.