Saturday, March 11, 2023

History of the World Part II: What a Trainwreck

Before this series hit, i had a pretty good idea it was going to be bad (with some of those involved).  It exceeded my expectations (in how terrible it was). 

Unlike the movie, there was little cohesion in the episodes - usually jumping between bad serial sketches (that probably should have been one-offs). There was no Orson Wells style narration holding things together. Mel Brooks should not have tarnished his reputation with this abomination. 

So, what didn't i like about this unfunny show (Hulu - the first show i ever actually disliked there)?

It wasn't funny - the sketches seem like those that might be written by bad modern Saturday Night Live writers (unfunny and with liberal overtones). Bad/questionable jokes - useless shock profanity/vomiting/etc. There was a "joke" (being charitable here) about literal phone sex.

Basically, you have:

* A Civil War Sketch Series - where General Grant looks for booze. The song about F* the North was the best part of that. It went on too long. One of the better lines is the intro talking about the civil war, not the one coming in 2024.

* A Shirley Chisholm Sketch Series - reminiscent of a black 70s sitcom. A lot of time giving to a fairly insignificant "historical" figure. No interesting, not funny. Fittingly coming from Wanda Skyes.

* Jesus Sketch Series (maybe three of them) - these Jewish writers sure devote a lot of time to Jesus.  There is a Jesus sketch series, a Mary Magdeline/Jesus sketch series, and a Beatles style studio session/concert series ("Get Back" maybe, i don't know Beatles songs). Also, an awful one-off the Council of Nicea.

* A Russian Revolution sketch series - an awful, unfunny series with a main character's voice who made me long for melodic tones of Gilbert Godfried. Went on far too long. 

* A Jackass style spinoff from the Bolshevik Revolution based off Rasputin. No, we don't need to see him getting a part of his anatomy excised. 


It is kind of ironic, History of the World Part I: would likely have offended the people who wrote part II - a certain person in Caesar's court, "It's good to be the king", etc. That movie is much better than this show. Much better writing and actors.

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