Tuesday, October 15, 2013

US Government Shutdown: Obama and the Democrats are the Villians

The US government partial shutdown drags on for another day.  But did it really have to?  Why was there a shutdown at all?  Who is really to blame. 

Much of the news coverage is about how the Republicans are evilly shutting down the government because they hate Obamacare (rightfully so, the more I hear about it the worse it is).  The media (largely liberally biased) have latched on to the idea that the Republicans are holding the country hostage in some way. 

I don't see it that way.  I actually see it the complete opposite.  The Republicans in the House are doing their jobs.  They are doing what they got elected to do.  So, whose fault is the government shutdown (whose impact has been vastly overblown?).  They should not just roll over and do whatever the Democrats want them to do.

But here is the slight wrinkle in that, I think they are doing what the Democrats want them to do.  Is it not possible (nay probable) that the Democrats forced the shutdown and actually wanted it.  Why would they want a shutdown now? 

From Forbes:  http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/10/14/obamacares-website-is-crashing-because-it-doesnt-want-you-to-know-health-plans-true-costs/

Well it turns out the catastrophe waiting to happen known as Obamacare was not even close to ready to primetime.  They are at least several months off of remotely decent performance.  Realistically, the Democrats should have been willing to delay the rollout (as it would be for the best, for reliability/access issues).  A 6-9 month delay would have cost them nothing but political capital.  It seems like they have been missing deadlines too


Obama and the Democrats missed many of their deadlines, but still launched on October 1st, even though they clearly weren't ready.  Why, it is all political - they didn't want to give Republicans political ammo against the train wreck in waiting.  It would have been for the best for everyone to delay the rollout, but Obama would not have that. 

It is not an entirely large logical leap to believe that the whole purpose that the Democrats forced the shutdown (in a way they could blame it on the Republicans through the media) was precisely to take media focus off of Obamacare (and it growing list of lies, especially cost). 

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