Thursday, October 31, 2013

i Went Trick or Treating

Yes, I went trick-or-treating today.  Well, actually is was more of an escort a sort of niece-ish thing around on her trick-or-treating trip.  Unfortunately, society claims i'm too old to trick or treat. 

However, I saw a house that left out candy - so I took one piece.  Evil, aren't I.  There were two houses that gave me candy too (one a full sized Twix bar).

As a condition of taking the monster out trick-or-treating, I got 50% of the candy haul (which would have been more if the person was more efficient, and less random, in her trick-or-treating).  Anyway, that amounted to a respectable total of 135 pieces (a kid could make a killing in this area on Halloween).  Trick or treating always gave a decent variety of candy - far better than if you bought it yourself (though I did a little of that too). 

Here is a picture of my take.

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