Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How i see the US Government Shutdown playing Out

The US government shutdown is on its 15th day (the modern record is still 21 days 1995-1996).  So how and when do I see this ending?

i believe that the shutdown will end on October 23rd. 

I fully believe that it is (and has always been) Obama's goal to "go over the cliff".  It is better for him and the democratic party to stonewall the House so they go over the cliff (for political reasons).  If they come to an agreement the week of October 20-26th they really don't stand to lose much (if anything) economically, but they will perpetually blame it on the Republicans (and with a biased media who would seemingly go out of their way to fellate Obama, i see the blame sticking intermediate/long term).  Going "over the cliff" (impacts way, way overblown) would also distract the media from the Obamacare rollout mess (and potentially keep at bay the outrage over sticker shock over the misnamed "Affordable Care Act"). 

Despite what you might have heard, this will not be the first default in US history and it certainly will not be the last. 

For other defaults in US history...

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