Thursday, February 9, 2012

If Seattle got an NBA/NHL team (Delusional Daydream)

i visited a Seattle Mariners fan blog recently (initialled LL) and they had a post on what to name a team if Seattle got an NBA and NHL franchise (speculated to be Sacramento Kings and Phoenix Coyotes). 

That got me thinking.. what would i do if i hit a massive Powerball/MegaMillions jackpot (easily clearing $150 million after taxes).  Now you see why i used the term "delusional daydream".  If i had that much money, it would be kind of fun to own part of a sports franchise (minority interest). 

Unfortunately, the cost of these teams is a lot.  i think that most NHL teams are overvalued (there should be a downward trend in non-Canadian, or "M" states team values in the foreseeable future).  A lower-tier NHL team (like Phoenix) would likely cost between $140-160 million (at their current valuation) - then there is the matter of a stadium (probably another $120 million needed in financing). 

NBA teams, on the other hand are much more expensive (the top 23/30 teams are over $300 million in current valuation - every team is currently valued at over $250 million).  A package deal for both an NBA and an NHL team would likely run $500-700 million.  Including $40 million as a 33% cost of an arena.  Yikes!! A 10% stake would likel run between $46-66 million. 

So if the Seattle Area got an NBA/NHL team here are some of the names i wouldn't mind:
- Seattle Tsunami
- Seattle Psuedo Intellectuals (ok, i'm not the biggest fan of the city)
- Seattle Sasquatch
- Tacoma Tremor (earthquake - maybe for an NHL team, Tacoma is a AAA city and hockey is a AAA sport).   
- Seattle Geoducks (go geoducks)
- Washington - Cascadians
- Seattle Secession
- Seattle Metropolitans
- Seattle (or Tacoma) Totems

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