Tuesday, November 19, 2024

i, for one, welcome Nuclear Annihilation

The US (and its proxy NATO) seem to be ramping up tensions in Ukraine.  i am so tired of American accelerationism (TM).  The outlook for NATO countries must be worse than even i anticipated if they are trying to start WWIII.  By "helping" they essentially ensured further death and destruction in Ukraine.  The US is playing with matches in a tinder box to prop up their installed puppet.

Apparently, the US didn't learn any lessons from the unnecessary "Cold War".

They are setting up a situation where using nuclear weapons turns into the "trolley problem".  A country should value its citizens above those of every other country in the world.  If they don't something is sinister in that government.  Should Russia see Ukrainian citizens as being worth less than Russian citizens?  Definitely.  By using a nuclear weapon against Ukraine, they likely protect the lives of some Russian citizens (and deter NATO/UN encroachment).

It is no longer enough to just possess nuclear arms.  A country has to show a willingness to use them. The era of empty posturing is over.  Fortunately, only one country in the history of the world has been immoral enough to use nuclear weapons on a foreign adversary so far (though it was completely unnecessary to do so).

i thought that future wars would largely be fought by attacking internet connected infrastructure (how stupid was connecting everything to the internet).  Take out power, water, internet and see how fast an area destroys itself in the ensuing chaos.  i guess there is still an in-between stage.

Call me an environmentalist, but i don't see much downside in nuclear annihilation.  It would definitely reduce some of the "carbon footprint" (what BS that concept is).  One of the unsaid goals of the Green New Deal types is reducing the population substantially.  Their preferred method starvation is a little more barbaric (see Holodomor).  They want the 4 horseman of the apocalypse - chiefly death, achieved through war/conquest and famine.

As far as dying goes, being almost instantly incinerated doesn't seem like the worst way to go.  The outlying areas die slowly of cancer areas would kind of suck though.

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