Tuesday, July 2, 2024

July 4th Tip: Moving Tables

July 4th is almost upon the US.  With it comes BBQs/picknicks.  Maybe you want to move a picknick table.  My tip for you is to watch your feet.  Spatial awareness of obstacles can be the difference between successfully moving the table and injury. This could include sprinkler heads or unseen depressions.  Easier said than done while moving something that likely obscures some hazards from view.  

Say you are moving a table between properties, going between a fence, one wrong step you could break your left ankle.  There goes your summer internship.  Then we get into possibly unnatural acts with an ice cube.

Ideally, you wouldn't move the table (as they tend to be heavy and unwieldy). Moving furniture in general is usually a pain.  Don't get me started on the maneuvering necessary to navigate the malevolent doorway. 

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