Funny how the party who wants to get "money out of politics" spends so much money. Think the ad spend is something like 8:1 (at least the spots aired seems to be).
So, what are the big themes this year? Donald Trump bad, abortion good. Is it 2020 or 2024? Guess the democrats have limited playbooks. "Justice" bs, abortion, "Trump bad", attack tradition/US fundamentals.
Dems mistake here was that Trump was the person mostly likely to work with them on issues. He isn't a hard-core conservative and is way more willing to bend on social issues. But we can't have someone who isn't completely controlled by establishment forces.
That past bending has largely destroyed the fabric of the US over decades since at least the 1930s.
The successors to MAGA types are not nearly as open to working with democrat "ideals" (assuming such a thing exists outside destruction and replacement). They have seen far too much capitulation to destructive impulses of the democratic party. Weak candidates like McCain and Romney (RINOs both of them) who pretend to take the "high road" to hide their inherent lack of spine will no longer be tolerated.
If females are solely abortion voters, maybe the 19th amendment was a mistake. Their biggest issue is not accepting responsibility for their whorish inclinations. Pregnancy is a consequence, not a choice. Don't get me started on the extreme outliers they frequently cite. Abortion is not a right, and it definitely is not "health care". Something about the Hippocratic Oath.
Wonder why the alphabet mafia and the little hat tribe are so big on abortion.
Governor: Jay Inslee is an absolutely terrible governor, turning WA into an unsalvageable Calivermin satellite state. Ever bowing down to the fake god of "man-made climate change". Pretty obvious at this point, the agenda has everything to do with power/control and very little to do with the climate.
Bob "i wrote the $30 car tab initiative then sabotaged it" Ferguson is likely worse. He has broken state laws numerous times and has never met someone else's lawsuit he won't take credit for. He is also known as "Sideshow Bob". He has three ads a humanizing one with his kids (though his daughter is really late on that softball), and at least two abortion ones.
In one ad they have an OB/GYN who says Reichert wants to ban abortion in WA. Turns out this "doctor" (Mengele was a doctor too) Erin Berry is medical director at abortion factory Planned Parenthood. Something about her screamed lesbian to me. Doesn't help that she uses "they/them" pronouns. Can't take anyone seriously who thinks they are a singular plurality.
Dave Reichert is probably the best candidate the GOP has run in a long time (still a RINO in my book). Though if it were close King County would probably rig it like they did for Gregoire. Most secure voting system? Hardly. Mail-in is very open to fraud (why it is banned in so many places). Also, why they want to register as many as possible (then take those names and "vote for them").
The Stalinists know, it is not who votes, but who counts the votes that matters. Don't get me started on the potential landmine of "voter intent".
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