Sunday, February 7, 2016

Super Bowl L Predictions

Strangely, the NFL didn't want to stick with their usual Roman numeral scheme this year.  For some reason they don't want it called Super Bowl L.  Too bad, I had to learn Roman numerals in school so I might as well use them (for things other than movie/TV release years).

This year's prediction:
* Carolina Panthers: 31
* Denver Broncos: 17

The real championship game was probably between the Seahawks (Russell Wilson you suck) and the Panthers. 

The Super Bowl ads will suck once again (I watched part of a top 10 Super Bowl ads of all time and they picked a bunch of really stupid ads).  Things were so much better when lizards and frogs could sell beer. 

edit: Well at least I got one thing right, the Super Bowl ads sucked. The Super Bowl was boring (with Cam Newton doing his best Russell Wilson impression and paying a penance for those awful pants). 

Did I mention how much the Edge browser sucks.  It is unrelated to this post sort of (other than inputting text was difficult because Edge loves to hang when you are trying to type anything when using the browser). Yeah, another stupid spinning blue circle. 

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