Monday, February 15, 2016

Presidents Day

Some non specified amount of time ago people used to celebrate both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln's birthdays.  Then along came MLK day (not a fan), which relegated Lincoln and Washington's birthday to Presidents Day.  

Presidents Day was meant for Washington and Lincoln, not all the rest of the pretender presidents out there.  There is no way i would celebrate economic domestic terrorists like FDR and Obama.  i said in an email once that would be like celebrating hitting the Titanic hitting the iceberg when you don't have any life boats.

To be a little more fair though, Washington falls in the lucky not good category (as a general).  i view Lincoln as a colossal hypocrite (the Civil War was an act of violent hypocrisy) especially given where the US came from.

The MLK stuff: Lincoln freed the slaves (to destroy the economy of the South). MLK talked a lot, cheated on his wife, directly profited off of the disillusionment of his own race, etc (the only thing he really accomplished was getting shot).  

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