Monday, February 1, 2016

Galavant, ABC Please Release it all on Blu Ray

Well, I finally finished watching most of Season 2 (despite what ABC insinuates, they won't let you watch it all from the beginning - even On Demand.  They don't have the first episode).  Sorry cancellation bear, I can't see you sucking it.  I didn't know there was a second season when it started.

I started watching the series due to the promos. A medieval hero quest with musical numbers (and the theme song was annoyingly catchy).  They weren't just musical numbers they were strange musical numbers (bordering on ridiculous).  Also, it was surreal to watch TVs Carlton Lassiter singing. 

Overall, I think the first season was better (even the songs).  The second season did have a few moments though.  Tad Cooper, Dwarves vs Giants, etc.  There is no way that there will be a season 3 though (unless there is another surprise renewal). 

What I would really like is a complete series Blu-Ray release.  Supposedly there are a bunch of shortened/cut songs that could be added as bonus features.  I know they have overpriced video at places like Amazon, but a physical release would be far better.   

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