Friday, September 23, 2016

F the Seattle Mariners

The Seattle Mariners of Fascism-vania (political correctness is an insidious form of fascism)  today decided to suspend injured back up catcher Steve Clevenger for the remainder of the season without pay for tweets he made in regards to the black lives matter inspired protests in North Carolina.

i can not abide by this. The tweets he made were supposedly in response to the riots turning more violent and a white man being beaten by black protesters.

The suspension for these comments is completely unwarranted.  Nobody would confuse professional athletes for geniuses and his comments were inarticulate.  However, the "meat" of the comments held true.  Let's clean it up a little to what i think he meant to say.

1) The protesters are acting in an uncivilized manner (kind of like, i don' t know, animals).
2) The violent protesters should be held accountable for their actions (like maybe incarceration).
3) There is somewhat of a double standard regarding the black lives matter group (a group where at least 140,000 people petitioned to be listed as a terrorist group - and by some definitions they should be).  

i am supremely disappointed in the Seattle Mariners exercising a fascist response to relatively innocuous free speech (which was not inherently racist).  i am so tired of people looking for any "racist" connotations in everything said or written.and the double standard in racism. (people in glass houses should not throw stones).  

Friday, May 13, 2016

Happy Friday the 13th 2016

Well, it's Friday the 13th (again).  i think this is the only Friday the 13th in 2016.

This is a day full of promise and serial killers (named Jason Voorhees - the first movie allegedly taking place on June 13, 1958, which actually was a Friday the 13th).  It was Friday the 13th in June of 1980 when the movie was released too (actually the movie was released April 9th).

Some people (except places like France where it is Tuesday the 13th) view this as unlucky.  For some reason the number 13 in not well thought of among the superstitious - most incorrect reasoning. Among some people the number 13 is considered lucky

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Snow Storm 2016 (4/16/16)

Well, another "snow storm" hit the area where i am currently existing.  Ready for some bad pictures of patio furniture.  There normally would be dog pictures, but for some reason the dog is currently not allowed outside alone/off leash (partially due to the Blizzard of 2016). i guess this is technically April 15-17th before 9 AM local time).   i'm not sure which event saw more snow, but i think it was this one.

Wet sloppy snow sometimes collapses on itself - making any real measurements dicey (i wonder how those are done anyway).

Now for some bad pictures....

Monday, April 4, 2016

MLB: Who i want to make the playoffs this year

Another season of Major League Baseball is at hand.  After today, a team could still be in the race (at most 2 games behind).  So all teams have a theoretical shot at winning it all (only a theoretical chance though).

So far today i'm thinking... the Rangers won with one darn hit.

So what teams do i want to see in the playoffs.  No sane person would make these picks to make the playoffs .  If history is anything to go on the "formatting" will be messed up.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Donald Trump's Abortion Position Why Backpedal from a Correct Answer

Donald J Trump recently was recently under fire for comments he made about abortion.  The problem here is that his initial response was right.

First off, Chris Matthews (i think it was) asked him a bad question.  Why would any non-idiot even talk to MSNBC liberals anyway?  Why?  Abortion is a state issue not a federal issue (and not a court issue - to make a bad politically biased ruling on.  Courts are not supposed to legislate).

So, Donald Trump was asked if he were president should people seeking abortion be held accountable.  Then he was asked what kind of penalty he would give.  He wouldn't be in the position to dole out penalties, this is a state not federal level issue.  i don't see where the faux outrage comes from.  

Yes, if abortion were illegal women who seek it should be held accountable legally.  This is akin to someone hiring a hitman to kill a fetus.    

i am not pro-life, pro-abortion.  i am pro responsibility.  If people engage in sexual activity, there is an inherent risk of pregnancy (which can be largely mitigated but not eliminated).  i'll say life begins at implantation (so the "morning after pill" is not abortion).  i allow for no exception for rape/incest and the like (those are outliers) - it is my understanding that the Rowe vs Wade person lied about being raped anyway.  The only possible exception i see would be a medical necessity to save the mother's life.

i'm not saying all women are duplicitous liars who will say and do anything to avoid responsibility for their own actions, but i not saying they aren't either.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Eostre Candy: Have Cadbury Mini Eggs gone up in price or am i imagining it

This year, it seems like the Eostre staple Cadbury Mini Eggs seem to be more expensive than in the past.  Am i just imagining it, or have the prices (at least the ones i paid) gone up.  This is for the 10 ounce size (though i did occasionally buy the 18oz).  Some of my records may be a little off, as i might have put down the dollar amount without the quantity amount.  i didn't see anything but the 10 oz bags this year.  () is the after Eostre price.

As far as i know, Target never sold Mini Eggs for less than or more than $3.19, yet the 30% discount was off of $3.49.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Well i Don't See That Every Day

While i was walking to Target to check out Eostre candy (this is the worst year for Eostre candy sales in recent memory) i spotted something i've never seen before (at least in the "real" world).  i actually saw a DeLorean DMC-12 driving past me, turning onto the freeway.

If you don't know, the DeLorean is the iconic car made famous by Back To the Future.  If you don't know that, i hate (or at least really dislike) you.  This one seemed to be lacking a flux capacitor though.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Presidents Day

Some non specified amount of time ago people used to celebrate both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln's birthdays.  Then along came MLK day (not a fan), which relegated Lincoln and Washington's birthday to Presidents Day.  

Presidents Day was meant for Washington and Lincoln, not all the rest of the pretender presidents out there.  There is no way i would celebrate economic domestic terrorists like FDR and Obama.  i said in an email once that would be like celebrating hitting the Titanic hitting the iceberg when you don't have any life boats.

To be a little more fair though, Washington falls in the lucky not good category (as a general).  i view Lincoln as a colossal hypocrite (the Civil War was an act of violent hypocrisy) especially given where the US came from.

The MLK stuff: Lincoln freed the slaves (to destroy the economy of the South). MLK talked a lot, cheated on his wife, directly profited off of the disillusionment of his own race, etc (the only thing he really accomplished was getting shot).  

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Is This Not a Good Omen

I went to Safeway today to buy a lottery ticket (actually lottery and MegaMillions) and heard the song "Should Have Know Better" playing in the background while I was purchasing them.

When did supermarkets start playing good songs? 

Super Bowl L Predictions

Strangely, the NFL didn't want to stick with their usual Roman numeral scheme this year.  For some reason they don't want it called Super Bowl L.  Too bad, I had to learn Roman numerals in school so I might as well use them (for things other than movie/TV release years).

This year's prediction:
* Carolina Panthers: 31
* Denver Broncos: 17

The real championship game was probably between the Seahawks (Russell Wilson you suck) and the Panthers. 

The Super Bowl ads will suck once again (I watched part of a top 10 Super Bowl ads of all time and they picked a bunch of really stupid ads).  Things were so much better when lizards and frogs could sell beer. 

edit: Well at least I got one thing right, the Super Bowl ads sucked. The Super Bowl was boring (with Cam Newton doing his best Russell Wilson impression and paying a penance for those awful pants). 

Did I mention how much the Edge browser sucks.  It is unrelated to this post sort of (other than inputting text was difficult because Edge loves to hang when you are trying to type anything when using the browser). Yeah, another stupid spinning blue circle. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

My Newest Blu-Ray

So, i got a new Blu-Ray today.  It is something i thought would never come to Blu-Ray (it was only released as a manufacture on demand disc in 2011, not a real DVD release).  i could tell you, but maybe someone wants to guess.  It was released by Orion in 1984 and allegedly filmed in Bend, Oregon.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Galavant, ABC Please Release it all on Blu Ray

Well, I finally finished watching most of Season 2 (despite what ABC insinuates, they won't let you watch it all from the beginning - even On Demand.  They don't have the first episode).  Sorry cancellation bear, I can't see you sucking it.  I didn't know there was a second season when it started.

I started watching the series due to the promos. A medieval hero quest with musical numbers (and the theme song was annoyingly catchy).  They weren't just musical numbers they were strange musical numbers (bordering on ridiculous).  Also, it was surreal to watch TVs Carlton Lassiter singing. 

Overall, I think the first season was better (even the songs).  The second season did have a few moments though.  Tad Cooper, Dwarves vs Giants, etc.  There is no way that there will be a season 3 though (unless there is another surprise renewal). 

What I would really like is a complete series Blu-Ray release.  Supposedly there are a bunch of shortened/cut songs that could be added as bonus features.  I know they have overpriced video at places like Amazon, but a physical release would be far better.   

My Windows 10 Adventure

So, i'm not what you would call a fan of the crappy OS Windows 10 and the awful Edge browser. 

I had finally had enough of hangs and stuff not loading so I decided to use back up discs and revert the computer back to a factory state (with the vastly superior Windows 7).  However, nothing ever goes easy (why is that).  I got the computer back up and running - however, there was one little problem - Windows Update would not work at all (perpetually stuck at "looking for updates".)  Well, that won't do (especially since I couldn't update anything).  So, I begrudgingly had to install Windows 10 again.

I kind of hate Windows 10 and I definitely hate Edge (up there among Netscape Navigator as the worst browser I have ever used), but I guess i'm stuck with it.

Is AdSense a browser killer?  Sites with that tend to run like utter garbage.