Happy Friday the 13th - that is unless you have friggatriskaidekaphobia, which is fear of Friday the 13th. According to wikipedia.org, Spanish culture views Tuesday the 13th as unlucky - que extrano. In France, apparently, it is Friday the 17th.
For some, Friday the 13th (and the number 13) are seen as bad luck. Since i have no good look, i figured maybe Friday the 13th could be a bizarro day - where maybe, just maybe, i would have a better chance of having not as bad luck. i learned from Married With Children to avoid saying stuff is "good or improving".
However, some see Friday the 13th as an overrated horror movie series (i've only seen the first two).
Hopefully a black cat won't cross my path - i dislike that black cat. However, a black dog has crossed my paths many times already.
Apparently, i already missed the first Friday the 13th this year (January). Future Friday the 13ths are: July, September 2013 and December 2013 (if the last two happen - figers crossed that they won't). i knew that the Calendar section on Outlook was good for something.
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