Wednesday, May 11, 2011

President Barack Obama to Destroy Earth - Yes He Can

This is just a test, this is only a test, if this is true then it is.  He has never yet conclusively proven that he is not an alien bent on the destruction of the world.  i am still waiting on him to prove he doesn't have horns - he said he didn't, but i'm not so sure.  Maybe his mom was just an alien (little green man, not Mexican) with a green card. 

Ok, maybe he doesn't want to destroy the earth, but his policies would make much more sense if he did. 

i am curious what having certain combinations of keywords = hits.  This sounded like a good attempt.  Yes, i am feeling strange today. 

Personally, i have to wonder how the guy has so many people apparently under mind control.  i don't see him as charasmatic (actually his voice and appearance really bug me).  Maybe the back-masking conspiracy theories are correct and he has Satan to thank (Yes we can - backmasks, sort of, to thank you Satan).

Someday i may come up with a real post, until then you get this.  This is not a good sign. 

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