Another solstice is upon us. Unfortunately, the next one will really, really suck. i cannot overstate how much i hate summer.
Well, the solstice presents have been opened. Let's say the Solstice Abominable Snowman delivered them (that is a bit wordy though). All i really wanted for Solstice was a winning Mega Millions ticket.
- Someone slipped a Vanilla Visa gift card under my tree. Have i ever mentioned that Vanilla Visas are a pain in the ass (cash is always better). You want to check the balance - just what i've always wanted another f*ing "system error". Last time i had one, i gave up and traded it to someone else (it took them hours to finally use the thing).
- Watched a Roku Channel thing on Wham! Last Christmas. Hard to believe they released that in 1984 (some would say 40 years ago). i don't think i heard that song until i got a Music from the Edge of Heaven album (yes, a record) from one of my multitude of sisters for Xmas - i want to say 1986. This show was a little of the backstory of the video. George Michael had an awesome voice there was a part where they played a little of the isolated audio track, forgot how good he actually was.
Too bad this song took until 2023 to hit #1 in the UK (peaked at #3 in US). So much of a better song than the awful Band Aid song "Do They Know It's Christmas". Thinking that the answer was largely no. As for snow, Ethiopia is in the southern hemisphere - so UK winter would be their summer.
Would much rather hear "Last Christmas" than the awful Mariah Carey song people pretend to like for some reason.
- Everything is not, in fact, awesome
- Xmas lights: this year i took more of the kitchen sink approach (not like there is going to be a next Xmas). i put up most of what i had. Had some colored Xmas lights that i might not have used for a decade (didn't use once i bought an artificial tree). Used almost everything i had. Kind of hard when there isn't an outlet on the side of front of the domicile.
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