The Equality Lie and Diversity Myth
There is a misguided belief in the US (especially) that pretends somehow everyone is equal. People should be equal in the eyes of the law (one of the reasons i'm against "hate crime" laws) but extending it much further than that is delusional and irresponsible.
People are strange animals, but they do not inherently have the same value to society. People have their own strengths and weaknesses, competencies and failures. Not everyone can do everything, and they should not try.
Take economic value, should a CEO be paid more than a burger flipper? Yes, there is no doubt (i will touch on that more in a future section). Economic equality is a failed concept from the beginning.
People who better use resources deserve to profit from their competency, foresight, and risk-taking. Trying to level the playing field just disadvantages everyone. Some people are better suited for certain roles than others.
Diversity was sold to the US mainly because the country was newer and needed additional workers. However, diversity is not really a net benefit.
Look at the Scandanavian countries (before the refuge idiocy); they have little ethnic diversity, but a happier population. Diversity leads directly to conflict and self-segregation. A major problem is the lack of assimilation into a common culture.
In the earlier days if the US, people of different backgrounds, faiths, etc. were willing to chase after the concept of success known as the American Dream. The dream largely consisted of being comfortable economically and having a fulfilling family life. As time went on, the groups further fractured and sort of self-segregated (especially racial groups).
Diversity actually shrank allowing groups better opportunity to become disenfranchised and blame their failures on another group (whatever group had the most control). Eventually, you get into the cycle of crime, poverty and moral decay. It is not racism, for the most part, but economic stagnation and a lack of personal responsibility that have led to most of the problems - whether it is the trailer park, the ghetto or the barrio.
Diversity only works well with common goals. You don't want everyone to think the exact same way (complete group think) though.