Friday, August 20, 2021

Help With China's Dossier on Me

There was a news story recently that surmised China has enough data to develop a dossier on every American adult. i would guess the US Government already has this with social media posts, public records, AMZN purchases, etc - but the US government would never spy on its own people, right.

The "Are You Coming to the Toga Party" post was a joke if any NSA/CIA/Whatever were monitoring my posts.  It references Chuck episode "Chuck vs the Alma Mater" (i think that was the name).  That was the code phrase to get the CIA students/agents to lend assistance.

One of the stories.... Senate panel warned China has enough data for dossiers on all Americans (  Links haven't been working for me recently, so we'll see.     

If China or the US is looking to put together a dossier on me to exploit my awesomeness (flatter/control me), here is some random things that might curry favor.  

* Women - i prefer blue eyes and pale white skin. Nerds and dorks a bonus.  Personality over looks (they'll be beautiful to me, eventually).  i'll never be in a position, but if foreign governments want to control me - that would involve kids w/ said spy/consort.
* i kind of like silver bullion coins (if i had money i'd get some).  China, i could go for a set of 1oz/30 gram Silver Panda coins (1983-present).  Australia - Silver Kookaburras, Koalas.  Canada (eh?) - Silver Maple Leafs.  UK - Britannias. Probably some world coins too.  Also somewhat interested in Platinum and Palladium.  
* Large amounts of money are always good (provided no red flags).  
* Real Estate - also nice, prefer suburban cul-de-sac between 1,800 - 4,000 Sq Ft.  No HOAs
* Stocks, bonds, etc - probably. Prefer mix of income generating and growth.   

None of this would guarantee i would do what you want, but i would be more likely to hear you out.

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