Sunday, August 8, 2021

Happy B-Day to Me*

* Happiness doesn't exist (probably, the illusion does and is ephemeral/fleeting), a day is 24 hours - only 3.5 or so of them remain in the day based off of the time i was allegedly born, and i am probably some type of superior life form (not human)    

i was allegedly born on the anniversary of "fat man" (the nuclear bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan). That seems to be oddly prophetic.  Also oddly prophetic was that my date of birth goes up then down (in a mm/dd/yy format, ignoring zeroes, all down in most of the world - dd/mm/yy).

Obviously the world has not yet acknowledged my greatness (my B-Day isn't even a world holiday, yet). When will people learn?

So, how old am i?  15.55 or 15.6.  

Many people spend their childhoods wanting to be older - don't do it, it really isn't worth it. Once you hit 30, chronologically, it is all downhill until the sweet, merciful release of oblivion (i've heard).  

A couple of the last few years i've secretly wondered if there would be another b-day (chronic chest/shoulder issues).  Let's just pretend there is some magical plan and everything will suddenly snap into place over the next 12 months (and everything is not completely hopeless) ...  

So much that i wanted to do is clearly in the rear-view mirror (though i never even got close). Does anyone have a functional time machine i could borrow?  It would suck to be stuck in the past (say the 1980s).   

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