Friday, August 20, 2021

Help With China's Dossier on Me

There was a news story recently that surmised China has enough data to develop a dossier on every American adult. i would guess the US Government already has this with social media posts, public records, AMZN purchases, etc - but the US government would never spy on its own people, right.

The "Are You Coming to the Toga Party" post was a joke if any NSA/CIA/Whatever were monitoring my posts.  It references Chuck episode "Chuck vs the Alma Mater" (i think that was the name).  That was the code phrase to get the CIA students/agents to lend assistance.

One of the stories.... Senate panel warned China has enough data for dossiers on all Americans (  Links haven't been working for me recently, so we'll see.     

If China or the US is looking to put together a dossier on me to exploit my awesomeness (flatter/control me), here is some random things that might curry favor.  

Just Saying


Sunday, August 8, 2021

Happy B-Day to Me*

* Happiness doesn't exist (probably, the illusion does and is ephemeral/fleeting), a day is 24 hours - only 3.5 or so of them remain in the day based off of the time i was allegedly born, and i am probably some type of superior life form (not human)    

i was allegedly born on the anniversary of "fat man" (the nuclear bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan). That seems to be oddly prophetic.  Also oddly prophetic was that my date of birth goes up then down (in a mm/dd/yy format, ignoring zeroes, all down in most of the world - dd/mm/yy).

Obviously the world has not yet acknowledged my greatness (my B-Day isn't even a world holiday, yet). When will people learn?

So, how old am i?  15.55 or 15.6.  

Many people spend their childhoods wanting to be older - don't do it, it really isn't worth it. Once you hit 30, chronologically, it is all downhill until the sweet, merciful release of oblivion (i've heard).  

A couple of the last few years i've secretly wondered if there would be another b-day (chronic chest/shoulder issues).  Let's just pretend there is some magical plan and everything will suddenly snap into place over the next 12 months (and everything is not completely hopeless) ...  

So much that i wanted to do is clearly in the rear-view mirror (though i never even got close). Does anyone have a functional time machine i could borrow?  It would suck to be stuck in the past (say the 1980s).   

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Dating Ad

Edited because formatting sucked.

Weird stuff pops into my head when i'm tossing and turning at night. This time was what would it be like if i did a dating site ad using mostly song titles (i'll probably mess a few of these up). Started ok, then fell apart a little bit (comes on a bit too strong). 

 Title: "I Want You To Want Me" 
 Single white male seeks single white female for "Love of a Lifetime", "Baby, Baby", "I Do" "I Knew I Loved You" before i met you, but "I Haven't Met You Yet". "I've Been Waiting For A Girl Like You", because "I Want To Know What Love Is" "Until the End of Time". 

"When I See You Smile", I Can See the "Heaven in Your Eyes". I "Say a Prayer" raise my "Hands to Heaven" that someday you'll "Help Me Fall". "How Can I Fall" "Once In A Lifetime", "All 4 Love" even if "Only in My Dreams" thats' the "Price of Love". 

I'm "All In", "Now and Forever". "If I Don't Tell You Now", i'll leave you "Waiting for Love". Please "Take This Heart", "Down to One", "Let Me Be The One". 

 "As Long as You Love Me" "I'll Always Love You" "Truly, Madly, Deeply", "This I Promise You", "This I Swear". "Love Won't Wait", "It Only Takes a Minute", I'm "Right Here Waiting" with "Open Arms". Maybe "Someday" unitl then i'll be "The King of Wishful Thinking" 

 I left some good ones out that i couldn't think how to use like "Next Time I Fall", etc. i figured "I Want Your Sex" and "I'll Make Love To You" was not the way to go (that is more of an after meeting them thing.

Monday, August 2, 2021

2021 Live Olympic Coverage

Here is some live Olympic coverage (don't tell NBC) What, you were expecting the Olympic Games? Why would anyone want to watch that?

2021+ Predictions

Some people think i'm too optimistic (i'm one of them). Think that Things Can Only get Better? Sorry Howard Jones, but in my experience, they never do. So what do i think will happen in the rest of 2021 (2020 harder)... Let's just say my best possible outcome for the US might be World War 3. 

 No i do not have any inside information (obviously). i am surprisingly right on a lot of things, but this won't be one of them. Or, i am just a little ahead of my time. 

 * Virus? We already have record government overreach for a virus with a 90+% survivability rate. Will the government ever give you back your freedom? Survey says.... no. There will be more fear porn, more unnecessary images of needles (yuck), and more un necessary restrictions. The unvaccinated will still be the scapegoats for the government's failed response. i'm not yet sure if the gulags/internment camps will come (i wouldn't bet against it). If the government tries it, it they will be met with resistance. Shutdowns are inevitable regardless of the real numbers (like the mockingbird media would ever tell the truth anyway). They are a distraction for other things leaders wish to keep hidden. There will be more "variants" whether the really exist or not may never be known. Within the next 5-10 years we will start to understand the Faucian bargain for the vaccines was not worth it as terrible longer term side effects make themselves known. 

* Government: government will continue to erode your freedoms while "building back better"- into a country none of us will recognize. This is the best shot ever for a One World style government. Who loses in that scenario - the first world countries. You will own nothing and be happy (or face re-education). The COVID scam has given them way too much power, that they will likely never willingly give up. Then they will crack down on the dissenters for "wrong think". There is a power struggle going on, but it is not clear yet who the players are. Also, 2022 midterms - they need the fear of whatever Greek letter variant to keep people off of election integrity (and enable invalid votes). Remember, as Stalin said, it doesn't matter who votes, but who counts the votes. 

 * Economy: this is going to get ugly. i wonder how weak millennials and Generation Z will handle the next depression (highly likely starting in the next 3-18 months). i already know the answer is look to the government for salvation (salvation not found). i expect increased internet based attacks on: the financial sector (banks, stock market, etc) and infrastructure (power grids and the like). So, Dark Angel level stuff. The ending of the eviction moratorium is poised to be a worse version of the 2007 mortgage crisis - not just that, but loan defaults and subsequent bank failures. In order for a "one world order" the first world has to be taken down. The mortgage crisis will be an opportunity for the government (and people like BlackRock) to take over a decent swath of the real estate market. They will be hailed as heroes, but you won't own a thing. 

 * China - a powderkeg waiting to blow. China is building up its nuclear arsenal and ICBMs. They have already threatened Japan with retaliation if they intervene with Taiwan. They will likely move on Taiwan by November. The US is going to hell and will need a distraction. Hello China. Basically, don't blame the government, it's all China's fault - the virus, the economic hardship, etc. They need an external villian to cover up their own actions.