Thursday, December 25, 2014

Hacking/Malware Creation Should be a Capital Offense

Yes, I said it, hacking (including Ddos attacks) and malware creation (trojans, worms, viruses, et al) should be a capital offense (and not with all of the wussy appeals).  I am getting sick and tired of the jackass hackers causing harm (because they can), stealing data and other mal-intentioned activities.

Everyone else has to follow the rules - and this is a big problem in an increasingly digital world. No, the companies/organizations hacked (or other things) should not be held liable for the criminal activity of others (and it is impossible to stop all attempts).

Losing one hacker (or millions) wouldn't be a bad thing.  These slime do not deserve to live.  I am not advocating violence against these "people", but I am also not dissuading it.  Would I support drone strikes against hackers (even those in the US)?  Definitely.   

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