Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Losery Post of Loserdom: Movies Watched Q1-ish 2014

Ready for another exhilarating post on movies that I watched in Q1 2014 (ok, no exactly Q1 - but February through April 2014.  I already had a January post for some reason).  In my records it corresponds to months 26-28.

Would it surprise you, the reader, to know that I watched several movies during that time span?  No.  oh well.  Would it surprise you to know that I "watched" some of these (not every minute).  I accidentally added some awful indie movies. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Non-PC Post of the Day: NBA: LA Clippers Owner

So, what topic do I want to mention today?  Well, if you read the title you would probably know.

Recently, there has been kind of a blow-up in the sports scene as the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers of Los Angeles (Donald Sterling) apparently said some potentially racist comment.  You don't get enough money to own a professional sports franchise without being at least a little slimy. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Puzzle and After Easter Sales

Some time ago (I forget how long, maybe a 1-3 weeks) I finished this puzzle.  An alleged sister of mine said that she would make me the thing pictured on the puzzle.  Here is where you intrepid personages come in here....

What exactly is in the pictured image (not counting the invisible gummy bears that are obviously

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Blood Moon and Palindrome Week

Based off a news story I got up at 2:45 AM local time to try and see the blood moon (couldn't get to sleep anyway).  What I didn't realize was that the stupid news story was wrong and it would just be wrapping up at that time.  Between midnight and 3 AM wouldn't have helped me much - I mean it's shouldn't be as hard to predict the time as it is to predict the weather.  They said it would be best/brightest at that time - nope.  So, no I didn't really see any red in the blood moon (just the tail end of a lunar eclipse).

The next one is supposed to be October 8th or something like that.

So what did I learn this time.  The news kind of sucks (stupid third or fourth tier city).  Also, autofocus doesn't work worth a damn in low light situations.  Too bad I didn't remember that my lens had manual focus (I hate using manual focus, it's too hard/finicky).  Also, if you want a moon picture you probably want to use a tripod (actually I already knew that).  Long exposure times like to blur far too much.  I could have also used more mm in my lens (over 55mm). 

Palindrome week: so what's that?  Well, a palindrome (why do I keep trying to spell it with and "e") is something that is the same forward as backwards (like the Weird Al "song" called "Bob").  Stuff like Madam I'm Adam.  But since these are dates, it will be something like 4/14/14.  Basically, 4/10-4/19 will work.  That is using the US date format, of course (because the other formats are just weird).  I wouldn't have though of palindrome dates if it hadn't been a thing on Bing search.