Sunday, September 23, 2012

i Saw My First 3D Movie

So, Friday was a loooooooooong day for me.  However, i did go to the movie theatre. 

What i saw was a questionable PG movie call ParaNorman.  Questionable due to some of the content - like a corpse, ghosts, mild violence.  It did reference some monster movies in subtle ways.  i guess it was an OK/average movie.  It wasn't really funny or anything like that (there were some jokes, maybe i just wasn't receptive that day).  This is the kind of movie i would wait for in the library rather than buying it. 

Basically, from my experience...

3D movies are completely unnecessary and too expensive.  Actually one of the reasons movies studios embraced 3D was so that they could charge more money (and the theatres definitely do too).  $12 for a matinee ticket, $11 for a kid matinee ticket seems a bit much to me.   

The 3D glasses still aren't really that comfortable - if you wear glasses (which i do - maybe i just have bigger than average glasses).  They are definitely more comfortable that the cardboard garbage that they used to use.  What, no 3D clip-ons?

There are scenes that are more effective than others.  However, much of the movie looks like a bad green screen effect where the foreground sticks out from the background.  The illusion of depth really doesn't do anything for me.    

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