Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Losery Post of Loserdom: Videos Watched This Month

i may not be the most loosery guy here (or maybe i am).  However, i decided to make a post of wasted time.  Maybe i have too much time on my hands - or any other number of strange cliches.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Countries i've Gotten Hits from on Blogger

Way back on April 22, 2011 (a simpler time), i did a post based on the countries i have gotten hits from in the Audience Section of the Blogger Dashboard.  i came up with hits from 25 or so different countries. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

The $2 PowerBall Ticket

This refers to the mutli-state lottery game in the US called PowerBall.  i know i have numerous foreign hits - so bear with me...

Starting January 15, 2011, changes to PowerBall's odds and payouts will be enacted.  i was wondering if the new matrix would be a better deal.  It turns out that the cost increasing from $1 to $2 had a big impact on my results.  i decided to compare MegaMillions, PowerBall (now) and PowerBall (January 15, 2011 and after). 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My 2012 Resolutions

So, another year has started (after an annoyingly bad 2011).  If Hollywood is correct, it could be one of the last years for humanity (i think the movie timeframe for the start of the calamity is between July 28 - August 11th).

No, i do not believe in resolutions as they are mostly a form of self-delusion.  However, in that mold i decided to make a couple.

1) Win at least $30 million after taxes in the lottery - spending less than $150 on lottery tickets on the year
- if win lottery a bunch of other "resolutions" become active - like purchase a house
2) Video Games: increasing gamerscore to at least 37,000 (currently at 34K+, if i win lottery increase to 100K)
3) Save at least $555 during the year
4) Sleep away at least 20% of the year