Friday, October 4, 2024

Random Musings Today: Ads, FEMA, and other stuff (maybe)

 Have you ever found yourself in the store thinking that the Muzac is better than it used to be? Who among us has not sang along to a song in the supermarket?  Actually, that is not true, now they start including newer songs that suck. 2000s pop/rock kind of sucks.

* Saw "We Built This City" (sort of) on a Quilted Northern Ad.  Waiting for the extended version with the faux traffic report. Also saw an IHOP "Working for the Weekend" ad.  i guess these are technically parodies. 

Really, is nothing sacred.  Have modern crap "music" on your ads.  80s music rocked, try to hock you wares with something different.  Maybe some Taylor Swift shit (or is that redundant).

* "We need to take money out of politics" - who is it funding political ads in this state?  SEIU, Steve Ballmer, Bill Gates, Microsoft, JB Pritzker (governor of IL), Chris Stolte (sold Tableau to Salesforce) and others.

What is the solution to "climate change"?  Apparently, more taxes/government control.  Who would have guessed?

* FEMA: i've never been a fan of federal agencies like FEMA. Seems like a role the federal government should not play.  Never been a fan of geographically targeted federal money.  They are only really useful at writing checks after everything is done.

Disasters should be dealt with at the local/state level. More of a Just in Time (JIT) method.  Faster, targeted, more responsive and flexible.  Private sector, churches, people, etc. helping are preferable to the government doing so.  FEMA, however, discourages this type of "community response" and we are worse off for it.

Then you don't have to deal with federal bureaucracies, power struggles, idiocy, and impediments to actually helping people.  Now days they try to tie resources distribution to DEI bullshit.

You also have the jackals, like Red Cross or Salvation Army, show up using the disaster as a fundraising opportunity, not necessarily expending resources in that area.

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