Monday, April 15, 2024

Happy Tax Day (US) to Those Who Celebrate

Ronald Reagan: "Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the Democrats believe every day is April 15."

Let's see who celebrates the day of remittance to a parasitic organism? H&R Block employees, tax accountants and Democrats.

Income tax always seemed strange to me. Why should you have to pay the government for the "privilege" of working? Why were people/states dumb enough to go along with the 16th Amendment (1913 was a bad year for the US)? It was supposed to be limited... how did that turn out?

There should be no tax withholding (doesn't benefit you in any way). There should be no deductions or credits. The tax code should not be so utterly ridiculous and complex. 

There should be no such thing as a tax refund. If you want to overpay the government, feel free to do so but don't expect any of it back.

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