Saturday, January 28, 2023

Not Exactly the Time Machine i Was Hoping For

You know how i wished for a time machine to go back to a time life wasn't so evil / hopeless / filled with BS.  Well surprisingly, i didn't get that for Xmas.  Santa has forsaken me yet again.

Instead, i got this for Solstice (one of the most expensive presents i ever purchased myself. #1 an Xbox Series S - stimulus check sponsored).  Yes, that is a LEGO Back to the Future Delorean.  Sadly, the flux capacitor seems to be more of a sticker than functional (or at best a printed piece).  This is the first of three versions (there are not enough extra pieces to do all the variations).  i haven't tried the other two models (mostly slight variation in engine or wheels). 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Solstice Wishlist

So, i started thinking about Solstice again (my pseudo holiday where i get gifts from myself).
i figured that i could probably do about $300.  i definitely can't get everything i want (barring lottery win). But i'd like to get at least one LEGO thing, some Blu Rays, etc. Maybe i can find a CD too.

Assuming the world, or at least my world, doesn't crap out even more than it already has (and there will be a Solstice for me). Also, that i am able to get gift cards from Bing/Microsoft Rewards (maybe around $200 total)

Here is what is currently on my watchlist for Solstice 2023 along with the "trigger" amount that would cause me to purchase it more immediately (extremely unlikely for most items).

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Friday, January 13, 2023

What Will I Do When I Win the Big Lottery Jackpot

 Now time for some daydreaming about what i'd do if i were insanely wealthy.  What would i spend the money on? We'll say $200+ million net.

Happy Friday the 13th and Lottery Musings

 Happy Friday the 13th (unless you go the Camp Crystal Lake - Sorry Jason or Mrs. Voorhees).  The next one is in October - assuming that happens.  Now the obligatory comment is out of the way...

Also today, there is a semi-large Mega Millions jackpot ($1.35+ Billion). Would i love to win it?  Definitely.  However, it will be a little like when my spirit cartoon character Wile E. Coyote "catches" the Road Runner.  So, you achieved your dream, now what? 

Logistically, that amount of money is hard to work with, you can't exactly deposit your $400+ million check in the bank in the normal manner (assuming 1 winner).  The logistics are kind of mind boggling, especially for someone who is socially inept as me (and i'm one of the few hominids in the world that hates phones).  Even if i could make it through that minefield, i probably wouldn't actually be able to spend any of it until midway through Q2.  

Next disjointed point - cash option or not?  If i were chronologically over 32, i'd take the cash option.  Why? My father died at 51 and i'm pretty sure i don't have another 30 years in me.  Waiting to get completely paid for 29 or 30 years doesn't sound too appealing.  Is there a chance i could blow through the payout, yes (though highly unlikely). The future is also filled with, likely, increasing taxes and awful new laws.  From 1993 to 2023, the dollar has lost over 50% of its value - i don't foresee that rosy of an outcome in the future.