Saturday, December 25, 2021

Ghost of Xmas Toys Past

 i sometimes have a little cascading problem when it comes to certain things.  i sometimes like to collect things. Then i lose interest and have to revisit them again years later.  Then there are some that i could never have gotten.

{Insert Picture of Turbo Man here} - or lazily don't

One such toy that i regretted selling (sold all my Star Wars stuff in 1999 for $400 or so) was my Rancor Monster

{Insert picture of Rancor Monster Here}- 1983 Kenner, if you wanna look it up

Sometimes i want a replica of an iconic toy from my "childhood" that i never had. Unfortunately, the Montgomery Ward catalog doesn't exist anymore.  i think it would be kind of cool to have some of the following toys: 

* Masters of the Universe: He-Man, Skeletor, Castle Grayskull,  then maybe: Man-At-Arms, Teela (non-snake), Orko, Evil-Lyn   

* Gobots: Leader One, Cy-Kill, Scooter

* Transformers: Optimus Prime, Slag, Megatron, Starscream

* Madballs

* My Pet Monster

* Others i can't think of.

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