Tuesday, December 22, 2015

My Winter Solstice Haul

So, this year i decided to make myself wait to open the stuff i got on Black Friday season (between the day before Thanksgiving to mid-December) until Winter Solstice.  Black Friday season is a pretty good time to get cheap Blu-rays and (sometimes) video games at retail.  i need to be a little more selective on what Blu-rays i get from Black Friday sales in the future.

So, this is stuff i bought for myself.  Maybe it is a little selfish, but isn't everyone.  i spent more on myself than usual (also using Bing credits throughout the year and using Coinstar) since this may be the last year i can do so. The most expensive thing is Rise of the Tomb Raider.  Only 3 thing were over $20.

Mental note, do not buy new releases stuff between September and the week after Black Friday (except for Black Friday era deals).

i used Xmas presents for "bookends".  notice how truly awful i am at wrapping.

i also got a couple of digital Xbox 360 games (since Xbox One sales tend to kind of suck) during this period.
* Bulletstorm
* Bully: Scholarship Edition
* Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning (strange since i alread 1,000+ it on both accounts)
* Arkham City
* San Andreas (never played a GTA game before)

Some Xbox One games and DLC
* Forza Horizon 2
- Storm Island (Forza Horizon 2 DLC)
- King's Quest Episode 1 (might get on 360 too since it currently is $0.99)

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