Sunday, May 10, 2015


i was under the impression that the ground was not supposed to wear white after Eostre.  Apparently, that is not always true - if IE 11 worked well with Blogger, maybe I would show you (but it never has). i wonder if it will work better with Edge.

i started taking these after much of the unidentified white stuff began melting.  There might have been over 6", it is hard to tell with really wet frozen water (especially after it already started to melt).

This picture will not go where i want it.  Izzy near branches that are really bowing to her (or the snow on them)
Bowl of wet snow (2")
No that is not albino vomit, that is "snow ice cream" see the vanilla spilled on the edge of the bowl
It's ok to eat the stuff in the middle, you know the yellowish snow, really it is

obligatory furniture shot (this is under the roof overhang).  

i don't think this branch is going to make it

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