Friday, October 24, 2014

Political: Are Women Really That Stupid?

So, unfortunately another election cycle is underway.  The airwaves (especially here) are being inundated with political ads.  It is kind of weird seeing ads for both candidates in a race being shown as to extreme for X.

What is the big theme that democrats are pushing?  The war on women.  There isn't really a war on women, but if they buy into these ads maybe there should be.  Of all the shit going on in the US and the world, they chose to focus on this?  Really?

i guess a $17 trillion (and growing debt), irresponsible government spending, really bad potential environmental legislation, the Obamacare lie (was their anything in the original pitch that was true), and the like don't mean anything.

i can only stand so many "personhood" bill ads - because that is so anti-female.  Then they falsely extrapolate that into all kinds of things (like common birth control).

Oh no, females being held responsible for their own actions - the democratic party (and feminists can't have that).  No, females aren't biological beings they are something else, apparently.  There is a right to chose before hand, after the deed is done females should accept the consequences of their actions (though i don't have a problem with morning after pills).  That is the right to chose - not a "choice" after the fact.

i'm so sick of the line "even in the case of rape and incest".  Well, despite these being outliers (extreme outlier in the case of incest), you can't have exceptions like these.  It is strange that now they are even to change the definition of what rape is.  Remember the old days where people would give unwanted babies up for adoption?

i'm not completely saying the female species is untrustworthy, but the original Roe vs Wade (as i understand it) was decided on the basis of patient/doctor confidentiality.  Another bad political ruling by the Supreme Court (most landmark rulings are oversteps of power and wrong).  Oh yeah, the lady tried to lie about being raped.  Apparently females are prone to untruths to get their way.  The truth is that there cannot be exceptions (except maybe saving the life of the mother).    

Females Earning Less:
Yes, females deserve less than their male counterparts for doing the same job.  Why?  It is a little thing called a "risk premium".  Pregnancy and child concerns are very real productivity and risk issues.  Replacing a person on maternity leave is expensive - and some women may not come back afterward.  Because of these risks, females should be paid less than males - it's biology.

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