Monday, September 23, 2013

Microsoft Surface 2 Announced. Impressions.

Well, Microsoft announced today that they are releasing the Surface 2 and the Surface Pro 2 on October 22nd (pre-orders are slated to start tomorrow).

So, what did we find out about the announced sequels?

Microsoft Surface 2 Supposedly to Be Revealed Today

Well, the time has finally come for Microsoft (MSFT) to detail its successor to the under-rated Surface line of tablets.  

The Surface RT and the Surface Pro may not exactly have set the world on fire, but they were decent first offerings from MSFT into the tablet market. Will they release the rumored mini (8")?  Will their asking price not be as misaligned as last time? Will there be Windows 8 minis (not just Surface)?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

So There Was Some Flooding in the Area

Recently there has been a lot of rain in the area.  This lead to some creeks, rivers, etc overflowing.  Notice I said "in the area".  Well, it turns out there was flooding in the area - just not this area.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Losery Post of Loserdom: Movies Watched Q2+

Well, it had been a while.  i'm sure there is nobody out there who actually wants to see this, but here goes....

I watched a few DVDs (and I probably "watched" more) these last couple months, hold your shocked sentiments until the period.  Ok, it's safe now.  This post basically covers one hold-over from the last period through August.  The fact that I can't remember most of the DVDs I got from the library suggest that maybe they weren't that good.  I did like most of the movies I saw in the theatre though (maybe not enough to buy them though), except Star Trek and Oblivion.