Sunday, August 7, 2011

Insomniac Theater: Odd "Dream"

So, i was lying in bed trying to get to sleep.  As i was tossing and turning i had one of those strange barely awake dream type experiences. 

This "dream" was strange in that it covered something i don't believe in.  Basically, what happens when a cartoon character meets their end.  In other words, a soul leaves body dream.  i don't believe in a soul (afterlife, pre-life, etc), so this was strange.  It basically was an odd sensation that felt like it was starting to rise (all cartoon like) starting from the head - kind of hovering in a non-balanced matter, on my back with a slight upward incline (i guess supine would be the term).     

That was weird wild stuff.  Now i guess i should come up with some real posts (as formulaic as they probably will be).

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