Friday, July 8, 2011

Golden Oldies: F Troop

F Troop
* Aired: 1965-1967
* Episodes: 65
* Seasons: 2
* Available on DVD: Seasons 1, 2

F Troop was a series about a somewhat inept soldier is given command of a military outpost in the old west (sort of).  This was mostly to deal with Indian attacks.  YouTube the theme song. 

Like some other shows i tend to like, this one had some unique characters.  You had two characters running a business on the side (that they probably shouldn't have), a passive tribe of Indians who serve as the workforce making items to sell to tourists, a leader who is a little over his head (and oblivious of his "underlings" business practices), a girl who runs the store who only seems to want to marry the hapless leader of F Troop.  So, this was a little bit like McHale's Navy. 

This is probably a lot less known (at least today) than alot of the other shows of the era.  The first season was black and white, the second season was in color. 

For some reason, they kept firing a cannon that would take down one of the guard towers.  This show may have been set in the old west (in the 1860s?), but it isn't really a western.  For some reason, Married With Children seemed to reference this the most of any show. 

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