Friday, December 17, 2010

Xmas Decorations 2010

In a previous post, i showed a disturbing picture of a tree in its full arborial glory.  This time i decided to show pictures of the tree fully clothed in 140 glass ball decoration things, maybe even one of the tree after dark (though my windowless Bumble cave is usually dark).  Last year i had 10+ strings of lights in my room, this year i have a paltry 11 (that is with 2 trees, though i probably have another 3-4 on the stairs leading up from my cave).

Now for a picture of my real tree after dark

It is not silicone, but it is my fake tree (which i didn't take down last year)

Now, since you've had about all the tree you can hanlde (and more)
Here is some hardcore Xmas pop culture

Have you ever seen complete sets of the small CVS Rudolph Stuffins from 1998 and 1999.  You have now

A set of Frosty the Snowman CVS Stuffins set agains the tragic background of my CD shelf and my two stockings (i have had the dog with the furry ears one for a looong time). 

Now to wrap things up, some Santa Claus is Coming to Town action figures and Stuffins set against the chilling backdrop of one of my TV on DVD shelves.  They actually did a pretty good job on the action figures.

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