Sunday, February 18, 2024

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Valentine's Day

Notice how i didn't say "happy Valentines Day". Probably because it never really has been. Of all the manufactured "holidays", Valentine's Day is among the most annoying. A day celebrating the commercialized caricature of love. Selling cards, candy and jewelry. If you are perpetually on the outside looking in, it can be depressing and hopeless.

What is love? Does it really exist?

i've been waiting for someone other than Foreigner to tell me - no, show me. Does love exist?  My answer is no - at least not in the way it is portrayed in songs and movies. One of my sisters says, "love is a mutual decision".  A decision with no permanence that can change at any time. Maybe that's why she's divorced.

In my limited experience (assuming i actually ever had any), love is more like addiction - a mixture of wanting somewhere/someone to belong, pretending someone really cares, and misinterpreted lust.

Unconditional love seems like an awesome concept. The problem is that humans never do anything unconditionally.  

Though, maybe i'm just one of the mutants over at table 9 who will never find true love (always been a bigger fan of true love finding me). Every time i have taken a chance it has blown up in my face. Once bitten infinity times shy.

Much of human behavior is not free will, but programming. Couple that with the abstract modern view of life - traditional/evolutionary realities cast by the wayside (especially by females) chasing rainbows better not caught.

Wish i would have been assigned a mate at 15 or so. As far as i'm concerned, dating should be one of the deeper levels of Hell (yes, referencing a book i've never read).  People pretending to be something they are not so they will be accepted (or at least get some).

Thursday, February 8, 2024

My Conservative Manifesto Rewrite: The Indexing

 In 2022, i revisited my conservative manifesto. i didn't fundamentally change most of my views. Here is a (attempted link) to put this all together in one jumping off point. Not sure all of my links work (some of the links look wrong). If they don't, look for the tag "MCMr" tag.

As i stated in the first post, when i say manifesto, i mean more along the lines of Jerry McGuire - not the Unabomber. Want any more, ask. i probably have a view on it. Want me to expand on sections a little more, ask.

i joke to myself that if i ever won the lottery (net $100M), i would run for president (despite social anxiety issues).