Check AFI for the complete list. I'm a bit hesitant to list the titles, but I will anyway...
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
AFI Top 100 Movies: Spoilers: Post One
Check AFI for the complete list. I'm a bit hesitant to list the titles, but I will anyway...
Saturday, June 25, 2022
I Drank the Kool-Aid
What did you think i meant? i'm not talking a Jim Jones scenario (it was Flavor-Aid Cordial flavor, people). No, i didn't change my political philosophies.
"Growing up" Kool-Aid was a summer staple. This is Sharkelberry Fin (supposedly Strawberry, Banana and Orange). i must have screwed up, because it tasted like water with a hint of fake fruit flavor. The next cup is going to be the reverse - all flavor with a little water (sometimes i overcorrect).
While i did like Purplesaurus Rex, Rock-A-Dial Red, and Mountain Berry; my favorite flavor was Strawberry Falls (the first two were briefly available as Retro Jammers - come on Kraft-Heinz, release Strawberry Falls in a similar manner).
How were the Retro Jammers? Purplesaurus Rex (grape lemonade) was not as good as i remembered (some reason i don't like the grape flavor as much as i used to), Rock-A-Dile Red was a little better than i remembered.
Saturday, June 11, 2022
My Semi-Epic TV on DVD Collection: The Darkest Millennium
My Semi-Epic TV on DVD Collection: The Questionable 1990s
Back for another post on the strange amount of TV shows on DVD i have. This decade is the 1990s. In this decade, my father died, had my first date, first heart annihilation, i finished the slog that is school and found the world to be an awful place. i remember more about this decade than the 80s (very little before 1984). i may have more 90s TV shows, but that didn't make them better. There are still some animated shows, who doesn't like them.
Remember, this is 20+ years of purchases and gifts. Also remember that i probably overbought because i don't trust streaming services or digital copies to have what i want to watch (assuming i did). Furthermore, remember i have no life and some of this may be tied to happier times. My first DVD purchase was in 1999.
Have i complained about awful flipper disc yet? No, well they suck.
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
My Semi-Epic TV on DVD Collection: i Love the '80s
The 80s were and awesome decade. There were awesome shows, movie and music. Here are the TV shows i wanted to have in my collection. Once again, there are 20+ years of purchases, Xmas gifts and the like here. No, i don't trust streaming/online services (digital copies). Unfortunately, this was also the era where "music rights" started to creep in, some of the seasons have missing/altered music. There are some i don't own that i have access to (like Knight Rider).
i consider the 80s as 1981- 1990. Not the 1980 Carter year. This list may not reflect that. i also had the throw a couple of technically 70s shows here (i remember them 80s or later). There will also likely be a show more famous in the 90s that started in the 80s. Here is the list (sadly devoid of Poison Ivy).
I wish Warner Brothers was better at DVD releases (non-MOD ones)
My Semi-Epic TV On DVD Collection: The Golden Age
In an earlier post i alluded to the concept that i have a semi-epic TV on DVD collection. This is part one showing you what two decades of purchases, Xmas presents can look like. Yes, i over purchased. No i don't trust streaming services to have what i want when i want it. Some of these are probably out of print and rapidly aging. i always worried the discs would get too old and start failing - along with the ability to play them.
By the way, "Golden Age" here is referring the shows of the 1960s. What is a 1980s and 90s kid like me watching these shows? i grew up with TV Land and reruns. Without further ado, here is part one of only three parts of my list....
i Din't Go Sky Diving
i didn't go Rocky Mountain climbing, i've never spent 2.7 seconds on a bull name Fu Man Chu.
Somedays, weeks, months, years, decades it feels like it (to those who get the reference). But on the bright side, what i see coming is so much worse. A greater depression with weak generations who have no tangible skills once the world is Dark Angeled. The chaos will be legendary, the cost unmistakable.
That does not include any real threats implied or otherwise, just a general expectation of the "future".