Thursday, March 31, 2016

Donald Trump's Abortion Position Why Backpedal from a Correct Answer

Donald J Trump recently was recently under fire for comments he made about abortion.  The problem here is that his initial response was right.

First off, Chris Matthews (i think it was) asked him a bad question.  Why would any non-idiot even talk to MSNBC liberals anyway?  Why?  Abortion is a state issue not a federal issue (and not a court issue - to make a bad politically biased ruling on.  Courts are not supposed to legislate).

So, Donald Trump was asked if he were president should people seeking abortion be held accountable.  Then he was asked what kind of penalty he would give.  He wouldn't be in the position to dole out penalties, this is a state not federal level issue.  i don't see where the faux outrage comes from.  

Yes, if abortion were illegal women who seek it should be held accountable legally.  This is akin to someone hiring a hitman to kill a fetus.    

i am not pro-life, pro-abortion.  i am pro responsibility.  If people engage in sexual activity, there is an inherent risk of pregnancy (which can be largely mitigated but not eliminated).  i'll say life begins at implantation (so the "morning after pill" is not abortion).  i allow for no exception for rape/incest and the like (those are outliers) - it is my understanding that the Rowe vs Wade person lied about being raped anyway.  The only possible exception i see would be a medical necessity to save the mother's life.

i'm not saying all women are duplicitous liars who will say and do anything to avoid responsibility for their own actions, but i not saying they aren't either.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Eostre Candy: Have Cadbury Mini Eggs gone up in price or am i imagining it

This year, it seems like the Eostre staple Cadbury Mini Eggs seem to be more expensive than in the past.  Am i just imagining it, or have the prices (at least the ones i paid) gone up.  This is for the 10 ounce size (though i did occasionally buy the 18oz).  Some of my records may be a little off, as i might have put down the dollar amount without the quantity amount.  i didn't see anything but the 10 oz bags this year.  () is the after Eostre price.

As far as i know, Target never sold Mini Eggs for less than or more than $3.19, yet the 30% discount was off of $3.49.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Well i Don't See That Every Day

While i was walking to Target to check out Eostre candy (this is the worst year for Eostre candy sales in recent memory) i spotted something i've never seen before (at least in the "real" world).  i actually saw a DeLorean DMC-12 driving past me, turning onto the freeway.

If you don't know, the DeLorean is the iconic car made famous by Back To the Future.  If you don't know that, i hate (or at least really dislike) you.  This one seemed to be lacking a flux capacitor though.