Sunday, July 21, 2013

Movie Impressions: Summer Movies

I am using the term "summer movies" kind of liberally here, as I will stretch it all the way back to March 2013.  At least I didn't have to pay to see a couple of these. 

So what "summer movies" have I seen, what movies interest me, and what movies will I wait to see from the library (sometimes, I get them quicker than Netflix or Redbox).

Movies Impressions: R.I.P.D.

My first movie impression post (I doubt i'll see enough to make it worthwhile). 

Grade: C- (average-ish, a decent cheap showing or a rental)

I just saw R.I.P.D. today.  If you don't know, RIPD is a movie based off of a Dark Horse comic book (I've never heard of) about dead lawmen fighting the undead menace (and trying to stop a "deado" apocalypse).  This movie stars Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges.  In it, Bridges plays a grizzled old west style lawman and Reynolds plays a modern day Boston area cop. The RIPD apparently recruits recently deceased police officers with skeletons in their closets (some might say "dirty").  In order to go to a better place in the afterlife (eventually) they are tasked with catching escaped souls (or bodies who didn't cross over).  After all, the living world is for the living, you couldn't have it be over-run with "deados" and their taste for cumin.