Friday, May 25, 2012

Hello from Izzy (the Dog)

So i have been playing around with my Canon PowerShot A70 again (that lens sure attracts a lot of dust).  Izzy the dog says hello.  That is all. 


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Hypothetical DSLR Pictures If i Had One (which i don't)

So, i decided to create a post based off of some hypothetical pictures i would have taken to try out a DSLR - which by the way i do not have.  Compare these with the post "Using a DSLR: My First Time".  Although in this theoretical post, i would be using much closer shots (not a slow "zoom" lens).  It would have been a sunny-ish to bright overcast sky.  This would have been the kit lens (if i actually had a camera, which i don't) and no flash, taken in auto mode.

Focal Length: 55mm, ISO 400
ISO 900

Focal Length: 40mm, ISO 400


ISO 3200, in a dark/shaded area under the deck, the reflection definitely is not me.  Maybe the light was on in the laundry room

Friday, May 18, 2012

So i Have Been Thinking About a DSLR

Well, i guess it had to happen sometime.  i have recently been considering getting a DLSR (camera if you didn't know).  Apparently i may be going on a cruise to Alaska (AK) in a few weeks. 

So why would i consider a DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) camera?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Doomsday 2012 - Bring It On

Yes, i am one of the people who is hoping that the "world ends" on December 21, 2012.  Is that a little fatalistic, you bet. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Canadian for Beginners?

So, apparently, i may be going on a cruise to Alaska in a little over a month.  There may be some little stop over in a place called Canada.  i think it might be a country.  The Canadian customs and language seem foreign to me.  Basically all i learned about Canada i learned from popular culture (like Candian Bacon and Strange Brew).

Sunday, May 6, 2012

So i Went to A Baseball Game

Well yesterday i went to a baseball game.  To get the whole "Denver" experience, i sat in the purple row - the row in the upper deck that is one mile up (Denver kind of fudges the mile high status by a little).  There are actually pretty good sight lines there (i kind of wish i had a decent camera there, well for a while).  i just so "lucked" into seeing Jamie Moyer pitch.  i liked Jamie Moyer when he was in Seattle.  However, he had a few things working against him in this start - a hot day and high altitude. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Losery Post of Loserdom (LPL): Videos Watched In March 2012

So, another month has come and gone (mercifullly?).  What have i been watching or J* watching this month...

Losery Post of Loserdom: Videos Watched in April 2012

Well another month has come and gone (only x-1 more months to go).  Apparently my last post of movies watched got messed up somehow - i did have the list there, it doesn't seem to be there anymore.  Must have been a posting/saving glitch

Anyway, what you've all been waiting for... Videos "watched" in April 2012 (please hold down your Better Off Dead math class level of enthusiasm until the end of the post).