Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Metaphor for Life

i have been searching the cosmos far and wide (or not) to come up with some pop culture metaphor for life.  No, i didn't come up with The Puppy Who Lost His Way (that is too deep and revolutionary).  i didn't come up with El Guapo either - though everyone has their own El Guapo. 

i came up with Bambi versus Godzilla.  You are Bambi, waiting to be stomped on by a multi-ton lizard.  Godzilla will eventually crush you.  Maybe it will be 13 seconds, or it could be 50 years... but the specter of Godzilla (and eminent doom) is always looming.  Maybe it is because you have as much real chance in life as Bambi going up agains Godzilla in a fight.  All you have is delusion - much like life, you can never win.   

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

i Built a Snow Thing Once

So, it snowed for the second time (i can remember this Winter/Fall).  i decided that there probably wasn't enough snow, but that i would try to make a snowman.  i tried to beat the snow turning into rain too (like it always seemed to do when i wanted a day off from school - back when i still was alive).  Unfortunately for me, i have never been good at making round snowballs.  i started in the back yard, but that snow was a little too dirty.  i got 66.6% (approximately) done with the snow thing and i moved it to the deck.  That is one cool thing about living in a duplex (the neighbors not so much) like i currently am, that i have access to a front and a back yard.

Anyway, here is my lone picture of my my roundish attempt at a snowman.  Unfortunately, this snowman was made without a head.  i was going to make a head, but it turned into snow thing 2011.

i briefly mentioned snow thing 2011.  Well, it started out as a head until i realised it was already too large - so it became a base.  i probably spent about 1-2 hours making this thing.  Do you remember how when you were young (i still am a kid) how you used to make a snowman.  Somehow memories never seem to capture how much work making a snowman actually is.  It is a cold, wet, physically uncomfortable process.  i did not set out to make it phallic looking (if it does), that is just the way these things always seem to turn out (oot for any Canadian readers).  No snow was hurt in the making of this creation, however i may be a different story (slipped lots of times, only fell once - backwards and hit near my elbow).  These pictures were taken while it was still snowing at about 10:30 PM.  Well here it is, the 5 foot 2 -4 inch Snow Thing 2011 Alpha.


This is not my first snow thing.  i have made numerous, but not that numerous (after all snow is not greatly common in Western WA) snow things as i aged chronologically (but stayed a kid).  This probably is not in the top 3 biggest.  One time i got one about 5' in diameter (a huge snow ball) that might have ended up over 7' tall (with add on snow groupings).  Of course, i stuck a knife in it (or something) and put red food coloring on it (which spread all over the place).